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The state-of-the-art in what is best for children of divorce. Every parent, judge and family law attorney must view this video to save their children from the ravages of divorce.
Click Here to Learn More.

Warren Farrell Resources
Dr. Warren Farrell may be the top expert in the world on what is best for children of divorce. He has compiled hundreds of studies done over decades to create the most comprehensive source of this information anywhere.  Warren Farrell is available for expert testimony to help fathers stay equally involved in their children's lives after divorce. CLICK HERE to Email Dr. Warren Farrell for information.
His training video for judges will be available early May of 2006.
This can be used as evidence at trial that shared parenting is in the best interest of the child whenever two fit parents are available. It can also be used to convince a recalcitrant spouse that coveting the children is actually child abuse.
Steep discounts now available on Warren Farrell's book, Father and Child Reunion!
  • You can get Warren Farrell's groundbreaking book, Father and Child Reunion at a very significant discount (55% - 65%) by ordering directly from him.  Cost: $10 for one book, $9 for up to 10 copies and $8 for quantities of 10 or more.
  • To order, send check or money order for the cost of the book (or books), plus $3 per book for media mail delivery, or $5 per book for Priority Mail delivery.   Address:

    Dr. Warren Farrell
    2982 Las Olas Ct.
    Carlsbad, CA 92009

Also, see Dr. Farrell's websites:
This book is filled with information that blows away the myths that have resulted in so much injustice in Family Courts across the nation. We urge you to take action, and help us make this information available to a much wider audience. 
Some suggestions:
  • Buy the book.
  • Buy the book for a friend of family member.
  • Buy the book and donate it to your local library.
  • Send out notices to your legislators and local media about the book.
Steep discounts now available on Warren Farrell's book, Father and Child Reunion!
  • You can get Warren Farrell's groundbreaking book, Father and Child Reunion at a very significant discount (55% - 65%) by ordering directly from him.  Cost: $10 for one book, $9 for up to 10 copies and $8 for quantities of 10 or more.
Dr. Warren Farrell
2982 Las Olas Ct.
Carlsbad, CA 92009
How To Bring The Dads We Need To The Children We Love
(NY: Jeremy P. Tarcher/Putnam; January, 2001)
What is Father and Child Reunion About?
"Just as the last third of the 20th century was about creating equal opportunity for women as workers, so the first third of the 21st century will be about creating equal opportunity for men as parents. Neither goal will be achieved until both goals are achieved."
--From Father and Child Reunion

Based on thirteen years of research, FATHER AND CHILD REUNION: How To Bring The Dads We Need To The Children We Love (a Jeremy P. Tarcher/Putnam Book; January 2, 2001; $24.95 U.S./$34.99 Canada) will force a re-examination of the circumstances in which a dad or a mom is best for children. For starters, some findings on children with single parents….

  • Children do better with single fathers than with single mothers. Both boys and girls are healthier and do better psychologically and academically, as well as socially.

  • Even characteristics such as empathy are exhibited more by children brought up by single fathers.

  • Single fathers experience less stress juggling children and work than do single mothers.
What family structures are most likely to be in the child's best interests? Dr. Farrell's findings suggest the following ranking:
(1) the intact family;
(2) shared parent-time(joint physical custody);
(3) primary father time;
(4) primary mother time.

While the intact family is the winner, Father and Child Reunion makes it clear why, if divorce cannot be prevented, children being primarily with their dads gives children more of both parents than when they are primarily with their mothers; reduces a mother's economic dependency on a man, and reduces men's ten times greater suicide rate after divorce.

Does Dr. Farrell conclude, then, that men are better at fathering than women are at mothering? No. But he does conclude that we have been waging a "War Against Fathers" - and mothers and children are among the losers.

Father and Child Reunion answers questions relevant to every family:

  • Exactly what do fathers do with children that's different from what mothers do?

  • When does the focus on the best interests of the child become in the worst interests of the child?

  • Why there is both a mothering instinct and a fathering instinct. Why they operate in different ways. How current parenting methods and government policies are destroying the fathering instinct.

  • What is the impact of a stepfather? A stepmother?

  • What is the long-term impact of moving the child away from the parent it does not live with?


Father and Child Reunion is about what it will take to make fathers full and equal partners in the family. It will take:

  • Men's ABC Rights. And Responsibilities. See chapter 6 for a powerful argument as to how we are unwittingly preventing fathers from taking equal responsibility for children by denying them equal ABC Rights -- in the areas of Abortion, Birth control, and Childcare.

  • Eliminating "Taxation Without Representation." When a father is "taxed" to pay for children he can rarely see, never see, was never informed he had, is tricked into fathering, or who have been fathered by another man, he is experiencing "Taxation Without Representation." Taxation without representation creates revolutions, not families.

  • Ending the "War Against Fathers." The US government spends 340 times as much getting fathers to pay child support as it does to prevent mothers from denying fathers access to their children. Yet fathers who see their children pay for their children.

  • Confronting the "Father's Catch-22." Fathers have learned to express love to their family by being away from the family they love.

  • Re-examining the attitude behind our vocabulary. "Visitation": Isn't that for criminals? "Child support": Isn't that more than money? "Child abuse": Is denial of a child's access to the other parent child abuse? Is badmouthing of the absent parent? Is a false accusation of the other parent made in the heat of a custody battle?


More than half of Father and Child Reunion is about such solutions. Radical solutions. Solutions that transcend disciplines.

If you haven't read this book, you must get a copy and read it today! 

Steep discount available on Warren Farrell's book, Father and Child Reunion!

  • You can get Warren Farrell's groundbreaking book, Father and Child Reunion at a very significant discount (55% - 65%) by ordering directly from him.  Cost: $10 for one book, $9 for up to 10 copies and $8 for quantities of 10 or more.
  • To order, send check or money order for the cost of the book, plus $3 per book for media mail delivery, or $5 per book for Priority Mail delivery.   Address:



The state-of-the-art in what is best for children of divorce. Every parent, judge and family law attorney must view this video to save their children from the ravages of divorce.
Click Here to Learn More.