The Divorce Industry Out of Control
Extract from the Book Suffering
Patriarchy available
free at the link at the end of this
page |
the past 50 years there has been a
national tragedy presented to the
American Society in regards to fathers
and their role within the American
Family. This well marketed tragedy
has intentionally destroyed the American
family, devastated our children, and
ruined the institution of Fatherhood;
yet conversely, it has established
a panoply of Governmental Superstructures,
all feeding off this planned destruction
of the American male. This myth
of the tragic domination of the American
Male upon a totally defenseless American
Family is brought forwards under the
moniker of “BEING IN THE BEST
is a cancerous empire of special interests,
attaching themselves like maggots
and feeding off the sustenance of
the American home, capturing the wealth
and inheritance of the children, and
using those ill-ought gains for those
government empires undefined pecuniary
interests. There now, after
many years of abuse, is an ever-growing
body of work being established to
regrettably, document this dichotomy: |
business is as imperfect as the human
condition. Although social workers,
judges, and lawyers in the child welfare
and juvenile justice systems continually
mouth the words “best interest of
the child,” in most cases we are incapable
of doing what is in the child’s best
interest. More often we try
to accomplish what is not in the child’s
worst interests.
[Wasted, The
Plight of America’s Unwanted Children,
by Patrick t. Murphy, ©1997, Ivan
R. Dee, Inc., 1332 North Halsted Street,
Chicago, IL 60622, ISBN 1-56663-163-7;
p. 84.] |
Government sponsored empire, is the
most organized, coordinated, corrupt
and financially supported syndicate
in the history of mankind. It
openly, and arrogantly advertises
and disseminates errant disinformation
campaigns, and promulgates outright
lies—and surprisingly—those lies
are immediately swept up by the national
mainstream media and instantly propagated
unto an unsuspecting American public.
They are consistently bludgeoned so
much by this incessant information
that these lies become part of the
American substrate and mindset.
Americans can no longer tell who,
or what, is telling the truth in regards
to the American Family and the children
within this nation. They are
only being presented the feminist/government
“politically correct” pabulum which
spews forth incessantly from the mainstream
media. From this well-organized
sophistry, these lies wind up in the
American consciousness and vocabulary
as if they were true; even though
they are egregiously false.
American Presidents and other Governmental
institutions, depend on these lies
and mythologies to increase their
empires and to allow even more oppressive
legislation to be enacted against
the father. Their plan is to
debilitate what is advertised as the
main prevaricator of this well-advertised
‘abuse’ agent against children and
mothers, which is of course the American
Father. It has now become
so systematic that Fatherhood clearly
is not in the “Best Interests of the
Child”, that our infamous courts,
the media and the American society
have been inculcated to react with
a vengeance against the American male
and Father. Fathers are no longer
good for the American Family, nor
our children; and as we shall see
from the voluminous facts and figures
in regards to this subject, amazingly;
Fatherhood has now become one of the
greatest crimes that any citizen
can commit in this society.
It is, in fact, the greatest crime
in human history. |
The Members Of The System
(MOTHs) are told they have power (“jurisdiction”)
over you, and this emboldens them
to feel secure as they invade your
life and use power on you and your
children. (The amount of power
used, depends on how you relate to
Its 4 outputs
The uninitiated might think
that the only result of the System
is the decision by a judge, but actually
there are several kinds of
outcomes in The System: |
The independent action
of the agencies, |
Intimidation by the
repeated filing of papers,
The monetary loss
of hiring an attorney,
The decision of a judge
results The System yields
overburdened mothers, absent fathers,
angry children, distraught grandparents,
repeat litigation, violence, kidnapping
and abuse. The System damages
parent-child relationships, overloads
the welfare system, demoralizes the
removed fathers, and shifts an ever
bigger national debt to future adults
“in their best interest.”
[Where Have
All the Good Fathers Gone? Child
Support and Custody, by Douglas
O’Brien, ©1997, Skid 18 Press, P.O.
Box 60630, Fairbanks, AK 99706; p.
6.] |
this system has propagated not only
empires, but legalized hate groups
which are openly radical extremist
Feminist organizations, and even more
insidiously, they are otherwise labeled
as “Community Organizations” such
as “Women’s Centers,” “Community Centers,”
“Safe Houses,” media, and other ‘organizations’
which are extremely well funded by
an ever-expanding empire of government
grants and funding sources totally
dedicated to support the destruction
of the American two-parent model nuclear
family, and more importantly the American
Father. Presently, through these
massive funding’s, these institutions
actively support, and implement Radical
Feminist teachings and socialist program’s
to the point to where parents no longer
are in control of their own children
(nor their own lives). They
support and implement training programs
for public institutions such as schools
to teach anti-Christian and antithetical
concepts as Lesbianism and homosexuality,
and other open ‘alternate’ lifestyles
to where our children are being drawn
into a new paradigm of ‘tolerance’
of public sponsored perversion, which
is not only advocated, but now actively
taught as societal norms. Those
who oppose these unclean denigration’s
become attacked by an all-too-willing
government monolith whose altruistic
intent is to destroy those who oppose
these questionable life-styles which
affirm American morality. John
Stuart Mill addressed this issue in
his masterpiece “On Liberty” in regards
to this “Tyranny of the Majority”: |
other tyrannies, the tyranny of the
majority was at first, and is still
vulgarly, held in dread, chiefly as
operating through the acts of the
public authorities. But reflecting
persons perceived that when society
is itself the tyrant--society collectively,
over the separate individuals who
compose it--its means of tyrannizing
are not restricted to the acts which
it may do by the hands of its political
functionaries. Society can and does
execute its own mandates: and if it
issues wrong mandates instead of right,
or any mandates at all in things with
which it ought not to meddle, it practices
a social tyranny more formidable than
many kinds of political oppression,
since, though not usually upheld by
such extreme penalties, it leaves
fewer means of escape, penetrating
much more deeply into the details
of life, and enslaving the soul itself.
Protection, therefore, against the
tyranny of the magistrate is not enough;
there needs protection also against
the tyranny of the prevailing opinion
and feeling; against the tendency
of society to impose, by other means
than civil penalties, its own ideas
and practices as rules of conduct
on those who dissent from them; to
fetter the development, and, if possible,
prevent the formation, of any individuality
not in harmony with its ways, and
compel all characters to fashion themselves
upon the model of its own. |
[John Stuart
Mill Harvard Classics Volume 25 Copyright
1909 P.F. Collier & Son] |
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