Heartfelt THANKS to all of you who responded to ACFC's action alert last week calling on President Bush to reconsider VAWA. The White House received nearly 1,000 communications from you on this important issue. The President signed the bill late Thursday, just as our objections were being registered. Thanks to all of you who included a personal note in your submissions. ACFC will continue to pursue an improved VAWA each year. Your responses provide useful and substantive documentation of the public's dissatisfaction with the present state of this legislation. Thanks again for your participation in this effort.
ACFC Article Opposing VAWA Published in Congressional Quarterly Researcher
Congressional Quarterly Researcher (CQR) is a respected Capitol Hill publication. It is considered an authoritative resource for non-partisan research on issues of the day and is relied on by legislators and staffs from both sides of the aisle. This week's edition of CQR devotes 26 pages to VAWA. ACFC Executive Director Mike McCormick was interviewed, and asked to write commentary for the "At Issue" column. Read the article here.
Phyllis Schlafly's Latest Article
Conservative activist, syndicated columnist and Eagle Forum President Phyllis Schlafly, has given ACFC permission to pre release her new column - "Feminists' Double Standards about Child Care." The article will be available at https://townhall.com/ on Wednesday, January 11, 2006, but ACFC list serve subscribers can read it today by clicking here.
There are many quotable lines, but especially the last: "It's time for a national debate and discussion of the taxpayer incentives that favor divorce, the anti-marriage feminists, and the resulting exclusion of fathers from the lives of their children."
We thank Phyllis for her efforts on behalf of shared parenting, fathers, children, families and for her confidence in ACFC.
Chicago Town Hall Forum on Family Law
Dialogue on Sustainable Community will be hosting a Town Hall Forum at the University of Chicago this Saturday afternoon, January 14, 2006 on the issue of family law and its impact on the community. Click here for additional details and make plans now to attend this important event.
More news is on the way. Members of ACFC are receiving their latest edition of 'The Liberator.' The Liberator is ACFC's quarterly print publication. It is sent to ACFC members and elected officials at the state and federal levels. 'The Liberator' contains the best of shared parenting, fatherhood and family law reform news from around the nation. If you are not a member, you're only getting half the news. To join ACFC and start your subscription to The Liberator, click here. It's the best $25.00 you'll spend this year.
Together we are making progress.