You can learn this
the hard way or take it from me, most
attorneys for men in divorce will
not fight this unfair and sexually
biased system. They go along to get
along. The result is that men are
almost always given the short end
of the stick (to put it very nicely).
A few rare attorneys will fight "The
Good Fight" to help fathers battle
this clearly unjust and out of control
judicial system. I am trying to compile
a list of them here. Very few
will confront judges, even though
this is their responsibility to their
client. They fear losing their license
by pissing off a judge they have to
be in front of forever. I have seen
many lawyers continue to ignore the
law to the detriment of their client.
This does not create justice, it is
just a conspiracy of apathy.
Most attorneys for
women will gladly stir the pot with
restraining orders and other criminal
charges as their major weapon knowing
full well this is inappropriate. They
then get rich off our pain and suffering,
and that of our children. This is
not so much an intentional conspiracy
as a function of how the current system
is set up. Each decision they make
involves "what's in it for me",
so a long string of decisions influenced
by this steers the system toward a
predetermined outcome - mom gets the
children and dad gets all the bills
for them with mom contributing little.
I learned as a CEO
for 16 years that most lawyers have
a perspective that would drive any
company out of business. If you did
everything they wanted no deals would
ever get done. They seem to
be incompetent, dishonest or both
most of the time and only interested
in maximizing their own billings.
I have already learned dozens of things
these lawyers never bring up in divorce
that are to the father's advantage.
To me this is a breach of their responsibility
to their client. They just coach
you into submission to keep this money
game going full speed every day.
Fathers are effectively
harvested by the system to create
a welfare system for ex-wives paid
for by ex-husbands. Child support
is many times higher than it should
be and people acknowledge this is
hidden alimony, not really child support.
The excuse is the "best interests
of the children" but in fact
it is about the best interests of
the lawyers and this corrupt system.
This may sound radical to some, but
I am not one prone to conspiracy theories
or radical positions --- it is simply
in fact the case. It is not a conspiracy
any more than Darwin's Theory of evolution
is a conspiracy of the animals - the
rules of the system encourage it to
happen via all the little decisions
made by lawyers and others daily.
Although I can not
vouch for any of these attorneys personally,
they have been recommended by other
dads who are on the father's list
who are fighting for their fundamental
right to raise their children.
yourself first by using this legal
resources page
Fathers and Families
has a legal referral service for members
Click Here
Here are some attorneys
with ethics that seem willing to fight
for what is right, instead of what
is easy and what the biased system
wants. Most lawyers will NOT stand
up for your rights because they are
worried about offending a judge who
they will see again and again.
Barbara C. Johnson,
Attorney at Law - Specialist in False
6 Appletree Lane
Andover, Massachusetts 01810-4102
Phone 978-474-0833
Barbara is a tireless fighter for
justice who has filed many appeals
against the injustices thrust upon
fathers in divorce. Although she is
very busy, and expensive at ($325+/hour)
she is a wealth of information on
this specialty. Her web site has many
motions and filings that can be helpful
to read.
Law Office of Attorney
Gregory A. Hession J.D. -
A Specialist on Restraining Order
s - Called 209(a) laws in Massachusetts
99 Forest Park Ave.
Phone: (413) 746.3333
Fax: (413) 746.6161
Greg's web site has
many stories of abuse of the restraining
order laws by women and their lawyers
for unfair advantage in divorce and
custody cases. Greg is on a mission
to stop the abuse of restraining orders.
Attorney Rinaldo
Del Gallo
Spokesman of the Berkshire Fatherhood
Coalition practices in family law
in the Springfield area and creates
a newsletter for fathers.
413-443-3150 for those needing legal
help or support.
Pasquale DeSantis,
Prince Lobel Glovsky & Tye - 209a
Restraining Order Specialist
(617) 456-8045. Pasquale did
the Lattanzzi Appeal showing fear
and verbal abuse is not enough to
take away all the rights of men. In
this case the mean was clearly verbally
abusive and even pushed the woman
(though this may have been by accident)
and the judges had the guts to NOT
grant the restraining order.
David Rubin - Divorce
and criminal attorney
550 Worcester Road, Framingham, MA
(508) 875-9595