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Shared Parenting Proven Superior For Children, Yet Attacked for the Financial Benefit of feminists, lawyers and judges and the state
Dear Committee Members,      

When the leading lights of a supposed "Parenting" group stand before an audience to disparage, in venomous terms, a bill for shared physical custody, you can bet there's something fishy going on.  No less an authority than the National Probate Judges College, in a study co-sponsored by Boston Univ. School of Law, reported that Shared Custody was in the best interests of the children, the parents, the courts, and society in general.  Many, many more studies have come to the same conclusion.  However, there's lots of money to be made from separating fathers from their children.  Not only from federal incentives for collecting child support, but fees accumulated by lawyers, psychologists, GAL's, etc., and the money paid to the courts by the child support collection agency.  That's one reason for opposing shared custody.       

The second reason is something commonly called "The Gender War".  This battle pits feminists against all males, fathers in particular.  They believe in female superiority, not equal rights.  They believe, as one judge once said, that even an abusive mother is preferable to a father for custody of children.  Part of their rhetoric has more in common with the Communistic idea of a "transfer of wealth", than the best interests of the children.  In this case, the transfer is FROM fathers, TO mothers, regardless of income or ability to pay.  In short, they oppose shared custody because they fear loss of the immense profits, both financial and political, to be gained from maintaining mother-only custody.  To them, children are mere pawns.      

You will soon have an opportunity to REALLY stand up for the best interests of the children, when HB 529 is returned for a re-vote.  I realize that it will be a tough decision.  You will have to decide to vote in favor of the children, or to sell them out for thirty pieces of silver.  The opponents of this bill are numerous, well organized, and well financed.  Many are on the state payroll, testifying at taxpayer expense, or supported by grants of public monies.  The proponents are, mainly, the fathers who love and cherish their children; who wish to remain an active part of their lives.  Not just a checkbook and a "visitor".       

The Supreme Court Citizen's Commission on NH State Courts, of which I am a member, has been holding "listening sessions" in cities around the state.  So far, the VAST majority of complaints have come from fathers who have suffered the loss of their children to the family courts, and found those courts to be absolutely lacking in consideration for the best interests of the children.  Apparently, HB 640, the bill sponsored by the Task Force on Family Law, which your committee passed last year, is not working.  You were informed in hearings that the bill was just a re-hash of the same old, same old, with some new language thrown in to dress it up. You were informed that that bill needed the provisions of HB 529 to make it workable.  Well, it's not working, and you need to pass HB 529.  Paul Clements