ACFC Debate NOW President on
NY Shared Parenting Bill |
29, 2006 |
Faxes Overloaded, Committee
Members Say 'No Mas'
Hays of the Coalition
of Fathers and Families
New York, which is sponsoring
the New York Shared Parenting
Bill, informed me yesterday
that your faxes have completely
shut down the fax machines
of the 16 members of the
Assembly's Children &
Families Committee. The
committee members have asked
us to stop, and we complied
thousand of you have faxed
or emailed the committee
members in support of A330,
the shared parenting bill.
wants to deliver your letters
personally to the committee
members this week, and has
asked that you continue
filling out the letters
To write to the committee
members with your support
for this bill, click
here. |
on the World's Largest Regularly
Distributed E-Newsletter on
Men's and Fathers' Issues
Are you looking for an affordable
way to reach tens of thousands
of people with your business,
organization or message? My
weekly E-Newsletter is the
largest regularly distributed
men's and fathers' issues
E-Newsletter in the world.
Contact us for more information.
bill has been locked up
in committee for 12 years!
The vote on the bill was
set for March 28 but has
been postponed until April
4. This may be a maneuver
designed to allow the bills'
opponents--which include
the New York Chapter of
the National Organization
for Women--to make their
impact felt. New York is
a battleground state for
shared parenting and fatherhood.
Again, to support the bill,
click here.
ACFC Debate NOW President
on NY Shared Parenting Bill
McCormick and I squared
off against Marcia Pappas,
president of the New York
State Chapter of the National
Organization for Women,
in a point/counterpoint
on A330 in the Albany Times-Union
today. McCormick is the
Executive Director of the
Coalition for Fathers and
column is
Shared Parenting Bill Would
Help New York's Children
of Divorce (Albany Times
Union, 3/28/06), published
Supporting the child by
order of the court: Family
law proposes to keep bonds
strong. Pappas' column,
in which she called A330
the "worst joint custody
bill that the National Organization
for Women--New York State
has ever seen," is
Joint custody bill not in
child's interest.
To write
the Times Union, a 100,000
circulation paper in New
York's capital, click here.
Times-Union Covers Campaign
to Pass A330
The Albany-Times
Union covered efforts by
FaFNY and its allies
to pass A330, the New York
Shared Parenting Bill, in
Michelle Morgan Bolton's
Assembly bill amplifies
rift over parents' rights:
Shared custody legislation
draws praise, heat from
followers of divorce struggle
The article
pits John Joel, the Albany
County coordinator of FaFNY,
and I against the New York
State Coalition Against
Domestic Violence and Lisa
Frisch of the Capital District
Women's Bar Association.
said "The parent who's
provided a home for the
child should be the presumptive
custodial parent."
The New York State Coalition
Against Domestic Violence
"opposes changes they
say would tear children
from the world they know
In other
words, it is the mother
who has "provided a
home" for the children.
Dad, who works hard to be
the primary breadwinner
and still manages to spend
time with his children at
the end of his long workdays,
deserves second class status,
if that. And somehow spending
substantial time with dad
after a divorce is "tearing
children" from their
One of
the reasons we will (sooner
or later) win shared parenting
as the norm in family court
is that, with more and more
women devoting themselves
to careers, the family court
norm of "help the primary
caregiver/throw away the
breadwinner" is increasingly
untenable. I switched the
genders in my column
California NOW Takes Stand
Against Working Mothers
(Sarasota Herald-Tribune,
2/23/04). It's funny
how, once the gender switch
is made, all of the feminist
arguments in favor of the
current sole custody seem
so outrageous. In the column
I wrote:
wife is a successful career
woman. She has moved up
rapidly in a competitive
field, and is advancing
her career by attending
law school at night. I work
out of our home and I do
most of the child care.
If I decide I don't want
her anymore, should I be
able to move our kids 2,400
miles away from their mother?
California National Organization
for Women thinks I should.
NOW, the California Women's
Law Center, and the dozens
of other feminist organizations
who recently argued the
LaMusga move-away case in
the California Supreme Court
support granting primary
custody to the children's
primary caregiver (that's
me), and contend that custodial
parents should have the
presumptive right to move
as stated by the Court in
its 1996 decision in In
re: Marriage of Burgess."
I concluded:
course, there will be no
divorce in my home. Even
if there were and I had
the upper hand, I wouldn't
dream of hurting my children
by moving them far away
from their mother and pushing
her to the margins of their
"Yet today hundreds
of thousands of fathers
have been pushed to the
margins of their children's
lives because of move-aways.
My wife and mothers like
her don't deserve to have
their children taken from
their lives simply because
they have pursued careers
and supported their families.
And if mothers don't deserve
to be treated this way,
neither do fathers."
in the Media
As John Joel points out,
the fact that the point/counterpoint
and the news article on
A330 were printed is a sign
of progress for the movement
in New York state. FaFNY
has long complained that
the Times-Union, a 100,000
circulation newspaper in
New York's capital, has
a pro-feminist/anti-male
slant. The Times-Union
PBS's Father-Bashing film
Breaking the Silence
and the
Battered Mothers' Custody
Conference in Albany,
which plays a large role
in the film, sympathetic
coverage. However, to their
credit, they also printed
my co-authored column
PBS's Breaking the Silence:
Family Law in the Funhouse
Mirror on the day the
film aired. Bolton's piece
and today's point/counterpoint
is a further sign that the
Times-Union is moving towards
balance on these issues. |
The American Coalition for
Fathers and Children
The American Coalition for
Fathers and Children is
dedicated to creating a
family law system which
promotes equal rights for
all parties affected by
divorce. Contact the
ACFC at 1-800-978-3237 or
visit them on the web at
Lisa Scott Launches RealFamilyLaw.com
Shared Parenting Advocate/Family
Law Attorney Lisa Scott
has just launched
to expose the truth about
what is happening in our
family law system. Lisa,
the all-time leader in appearances
on His Side with Glenn Sacks,
says that she was "tired
of having her stuff rejected
by elitist bar publications
and politically-correct
newspapers" and decided
to start her own website.
New York NOW Defends Mothers'
Veto over Fathers' Fatherhood
Pappas wrote a revealing
letter to a shared parenting
activist explaining her
opposition to A330.
(Some of you may have noticed
a few weeks ago that Pappas
wrote a column on family
law in the New York Times
in which she cited husbands
who wanted divorces because
dad's "girlfriend is
of the contempt and disregard
feminists show for divorced
dads. Some of you may also
recall that I debated Pappas
on Fox News' Day Side with
Linda Vester last year.
We discussed comments by
a New York judge that family
courts are biased in favor
of women, which Pappas hotly
denied. We invited Marcia
to continue our debate on
Side with Glenn Sacks
but she declined our invitation).
In opposition to A330 Pappas
"Many women who are
victims of domestic violence
and women who have had to
endure watching their children
be abused, would disagree
with [the bill]. Many
women have said, 'forced
joint custody sent my children
right into the arms of their
abusive father.' We believe
that joint custody should
be agreed upon by both parties
and if one party disagrees,
then there is usually a
good reason. A woman who
is victim of violence
should not have to be victimized
again by the courts. This
is what forced joint custody
does" (emphasis in
The old domestic violence
bugaboo. A330 only applies
to fit parents--abused women
would get sole custody.
views amount to this--if
mom wants a dad to remain
a dad, fine, but if not,
too bad. Feminist family
law proponents essentially
seek to give mothers veto
power over fathers' fatherhood. |
Leving's Divorce Magazine
The second edition of
Leving's Divorce Magazine,
the new magazine for the
modern divorced men, is
now available online with
articles focusing on issues
such as men's reproductive
rights (or lack thereof),
Parental Alienation Syndrome
and child support. Visit
now and get a free subscription.
Parenting Plan Calendar
Shared Ground (R) is
an easy-to-use custody calendar
software program designed
for divorced families to
track visitation schedules.
Includes a built-in percentage
calculator, schedule templates,
free training and excellent
customer assistance.
Parents, attorneys, arbitrators
and mediators can generate
equitable parenting plans,
which is especially useful
for parents seeking fair
division of their children's
AVAILABLE by clicking
here. |
Your Tax Dollars at Work
The New
York State Coalition Against
Domestic Violence's opposition
to A330 is a fine example
of your tax dollars at work--the
coalition receives government
funding, probably from the
Violence Against Women Act.
One of
the things about VAWA which
I find the most objectionable
is the fact it results in
state-funded radical feminist
lobbying. Whenever our movement
tries to bring fathers and
children together, these
groups are always among
our most vocal and influential
California, for example,
they opposed AB
1307, the California
Shared Parenting Bill, and
were instrumental in defeating
it last Spring. These groups
were also among the leading
opponents of Gary LaMusga,
a heroic father who fought
an eight-year battle all
the way up to the California
Supreme Court to prevent
his two boys from being
moved out of state.
To learn more about the
LaMusga case, click here.
learn more about the way
VAWA and the domestic violence
establishment have distorted
reality on domestic violence,
see my columns
Domestic Violence Treatment
Policies Put Abused Women
in Harm's Way (Daily
Breeze [Los Angeles], 11/7/05)
Domestic Violence Lawsuit
Will Help Secure Services
for All Abuse Victims
(Los Angeles Daily Journal,
San Francisco Daily Journal,
12/28/05), and the His
Side with Glenn Sacks
Congress to Vote on Renewing
Anti-Male Violence Against
Women Act (VAWA) (July
3, 2005).
To learn more
about how VAWA and the domestic
violence establishment have
helped encourage anti-male
law enforcement policies,
see my column
Baseball Player's Domestic
Violence Arrest Demonstrates
How Men are Presumed Guilty
in Domestic Disputes
(Los Angeles Daily Journal,
San Francisco Daily Journal,
8/8/02) and
VAWA Renewal Provides Opportunity
to Stop Destruction of Innocent
Cops' Careers (Ft. Worth
Star-Telegram, 7/19/05).
To learn more
about how VAWA and the domestic
violence establishment have
helped create and fund policies
which violate men's constitutional
rights, see my co-authored
Letterman Case Shows Problems
with Restraining Orders
(Albuquerque Tribune, 1/17/06)
and the His
Side with Glenn Sacks
Restraining Orders: Saviors
of Abused Women or Child
Custody Tactic? (2/27/05),
Spends 3 Months in Jail
for Returning Phone Call
(9/7/03), and Liz
Taylor's Son-in-Law Says
Taylor, Daughter Kidnapped
His Two Year-Old Son
Tree House Solutions
As with the tree house of
childhood, parents as well
as children need a place
of refuge and support to
"see above" and
to navigate what has been
termed "high conflict"
Tree House Solutions, LLC
is a growing and evolving
resource that is designed
to meet both the emotional
and the informational needs
of parents who are going
through divorce, as well
as those who are divorced
but still experience challenges
in shared parenting with
their former spouses.
Are You Really the Father?
Find out the underlying
flaws in the DNA paternity
testing system and learn
how a man with results in
the 90%, 95% or even 99%
positive range may not be
the father. Learn what most
lawyers and judges don't
know about paternity testing.
www.paternitytestflaw.com. |
FOX News Covers Campaign
to Pass New York Shared
Parenting Bill
FOX News
columnist Wendy McElroy
covered the campaign to
pass A330 in her recent
Societal Shift in Role of
Fathers (FOX News, 3/21/06).
McElroy accurately called
the upcoming vote on the
bill an "important
moment...in the general
trend toward recognizing
the societal importance
and legal rights of fathers."
also provides interesting
commentary on several other
current fatherhood issues,
including paternity fraud,
child support reform, and
the February California
Supreme Court decision in
Brown v. Yana.
writes that the "Brown
decision effectively reverses
the 2004 LaMusga v. LaMusga
ruling." I think that's
too strong. In my co-authored
California Supreme Court
Takes Step Backward on Children's
Rights (Daily Breeze
[Los Angeles], 2/9/06),
family law attorney Jeff
Leving and I wrote:
California Supreme Court
took a step backward on
children's rights Thursday
by issuing a ruling that
will make it more difficult
for children of divorce
to retain the loving bonds
they share with both parents.
In Brown vs. Yana the court
ruled that Anthony Yana,
who was trying to prevent
his then 12 year-old son
from being moved from San
Luis Obispo to Las Vegas,
did not merit an evidentiary
hearing on how the move
will affect his son. The
decision creates another
hurdle for noncustodial
parents who are trying to
prevent their children from
being moved out of their
"The underlying problem
is that in California the
legal presumption on relocations
points in the wrong direction.
If a parent wants to move
a child far away, he or
she should bear the burden
of showing that the move
is not detrimental to the
child. In this way many
frivolous, selfish, or vindictive
moves would be restricted,
while still allowing for
legitimate ones, such as
in cases of abuse, dire
economic need or when noncustodial
parents show little interest
in their children.
"Brown vs. Yana is
not an outrageous ruling,
and Yana had harmed his
case with slipshod legal
work and erratic behavior.
The decision is, however,
sadly illustrative of a
common mentality in family
law which places a custodial
parent's convenience above
a child's love for his mother
and father."
Help, Resources for Dads
National Fathers' Resource
Center is a division
Fathers For Equal Rights,
Inc. (FER), located
in Dallas, Texas, with offices
in both Dallas and Houston.
In existence for over three
decades, it has services
and resources for dads nationwide
and is one of the largest
and most active fathers'
rights organizations in
the U.S.
Learn About the 3 Forces
That Make Men Weak, 'Nice,'
and Passive
Paul Coughlin, author of
No More Christian Nice Guy:
When Being Nice--Instead
of Good--Hurts Men, Women,
and Children, takes
aim at a cultural prejudice
against men, a dangerous
caricature of gentle Jesus
meek and mild, and explains
how passive people think
and how they are made, not
born. Says Dr. Laura, who
wrote the forward, "This
is a fabulous book. It's
so clever, I think it will
jump-start you guys--Christian
or otherwise." Join
the Good Guy Rebellion and
start a better life today.
www.christianniceguy.com |
Glenn Appears on FOX News'
Big Story Primetime
I discussed the controversy
over business executives
entertaining clients at
strip clubs on FOX News'
Big Story Primetime on March
25. I debated feminist Columbia
University professor
Kristal Brent Zook--to
learn more about the controversy,
Should business execs meet
at strip clubs? (USA
Today, 3/22/06) and also
I have mixed emotions about
the issue. On one hand,
I believe that taking clients
to strip clubs lacks taste
and is not particularly
gentlemanly. On the other
hand, as I pointed out on
FOX, this is not driven
by what businesses want,
but instead by what their
clients want. If a business
feels that taking a client
to a strip club will help
close the deal, I defend
their right to conduct their
business as they see fit
without government interference
and feminist moralizing.
Also, there's a big difference
between a company entertaining
its clients at a strip club
and a company specifically
excluding its female employees
from entertaining clients
at a strip club. Most strip
clubs don't exclude women.
I also question the belief
that strip clubs are offensive
to women. In some ways they
are, but in others they're
more degrading to men than
to women. In a strip club
a man is of no sexual value,
and must pay for the privilege
of female company. The women
are of value, the men aren't--that's
degrading to men.
Has Your Career Been Impacted
by Custody Issues?
After empowering people's
careers for over 20 year,
I was duly initiated into
family law just like you--through
a 30 month, $520,000 custody
suit. From corporate
transitions to home-based
business options, know that
there is a way for you to
shake the financial shackles
and experience a "no
limits" career.
More than ever, your kids
now need a free and available
parent. Be there for
them... and for yourself.
Darrell W. Gurney,
Responsible, Intelligent,
Insightful Help for Men
from a Woman Who Can Think
Like One
Therapist Shari Schreiber,
M.A. addresses gender issues
in her male-friendly Forum,
such as: sex, making your
marriage work, online dating,
men blackmailed into marriage/fatherhood,
dangerous/Borderline disordered
women, weight issues and
MUCH more. |
Glenn Discusses LaFave Case
on 700 WLW in Cincinnati
I discussed the Debra LaFave
case on the Scott Sloan
Show on 700 WLW in Cincinnati
on March 23. I pointed to
the obvious gender bias
in the case, and the disparate
treatment of male and female
I cited a five-year study
by a Kansas State University
professor who found that
male teachers are likely
to get 15 to 20 years in
prison for sexual relations
with students, whereas female
teachers usually are placed
on probation or go to prison
for one to three years.
I also quoted the head of
the National District Attorneys
Association, who said:
"There is no question
it's more likely that as
a case winds its way through
the court, in more cases
the woman is going to get
probation, whereas the man,
under the same circumstances,
is going to get prison."
We also discussed the danger
that if a woman became pregnant
from the statutory rape
of a boy, the boy would
likely be on the hook for
18 years of child support.
I noted that in 2004 a Michigan
appeals court ruled that
a man who had conceived
a child with an adult when
he was 14 must pay her child
support. Though the court
acknowledged that the sex
act which produced the child
was probably a crime under
state law, they decided
that the case should be
resolved "without regard
to the fault of either of
the parents."
Dad-Bashing Divorce Attorney
Protests Too Much Over Attacks
by Sackson Horde
Last week I wrote about
Michael E. Young, Esq.,
the author of The Art of
Divorce, who was unhappy
over my co-authored column
Kansas License Bill Unfair
to Noncustodial Parents
(Wichita Eagle, 3/8/06).
Young retorted in
Driver's License Bill is
Not Unfair to Noncustodial
Parents as follows:
Jeffrey Leving and columnist
Glenn Sacks contend that
a Kansas bill that will
take away driver's licenses
from 'deadbeat parents'
who owe more than $500 in
support arrearages is 'unfair'
because it disproportionately
affects the poor.
they ignore that many parents
below the poverty line have
the money to pay support
but spend it instead on
different priorities.
Time and again, funds that
should go to child support
are spent instead on $60
hairstylist bills, $90 premium
cable TV bills, $100 in
new clothes, $300 for a
New Year's Eve bash, $1,000
for a weekend trip to Las
Vegas, a new car, etc. by
the 'poor.'"
guess Young is smarter than
I am--I didn't realize that
the roofers, maintenance
men and day laborers who
populate the 'Top 10 Most
Wanted Deadbeat Parents'
lists put out by most states
were spending $60 on hair
also wrote:
or poor, the duty to support
one's children exists. Leving
and Sacks miss the boat
by carving out an exception
based on income."
agreed that regardless of
income, parents have a duty
to support their children,
though that support also
very much includes the emotional
support which divorced dads
so often aren't allowed
to give. But I'm not "carving
out an exception based on
income"--child support
is supposed to be based
on income. The issue with
many so-called "deadbeats"
is not that they won't pay
but that they are being
asked to pay amounts which
are well beyond what's affordable
with their incomes. And
when they are unable to
pay, the system cripples
them further by seizing
their driver's licenses,
jailing them, etc."
After being deluged with angry
letters and blog entries from
my readers, Young now protests
that he never, ever meant
fathers, but only noncustodial
parents with child support
obligations. In fact, he claims
to have no idea how that mean
Glenn Sacks ever got the idea--the
idea!--that he could ever
have been focusing his comments
towards dads, not moms. Young
Sacks totally ignores that
my post was entirely gender
neutral, applying to both
mothers and fathers. Instead,
he misconstrues it as an
attack on fathers and proceeds
to trash it based on that
assumption...Since the article
was discussing expenditures
by parents of either gender,
Sacks has built up a straw
man to knock it down."
Counselor, you protest too
Also, I did not oppose
Young's comments because
they were aimed at dads,
I protested them because
they were unfair to noncustodial
parents. One of my readers
was also kind enough to
point out on Young's blog
the following:
"I don't see that Sacks
is trying to make this solely
a father issue, [though largely
it is fathers that pay child
support] as evidenced by this
quote from Sacks: "Dads
aren't the only ones affected,
since noncustodial mothers
in the child support system
are significantly more likely
to be in arrears than fathers.
Like many 'deadbeat dads,'
most of these mothers never
walked out on their children,
but instead were made into
delinquents by the rigidity
and unrealistic expectations
of the system.'"
To share your opinion of
this issue on Young's blog,
here. To write to Young,
click here.
How Does Sex Discrimination
Affect Men and Boys?
The National
Coalition of Free Men
is a non-profit educational
& civil rights organization
that looks at the ways sex
discrimination affects men
and boys.
NCFM helps provide men
a unified voice on important
political and social issues.
Help for Boston Dads
Boston family law attorney
Nick Palermo is a shared custody
advocate who believes that
divorced dads are parents,
not visitors. The Law Offices
of Nicholas Palermo is a dedicated
and committed trial law firm
which has worked to make shared
custody for all fit parents
the law of the land.
Are You a Slacker Husband?
recent co-authored column,
Are American Husbands Slackers?
was also picked up by the
Tallahassee Democrat, LewRockwell.com
and Cybercast News Service.
Since my column came out
in the Fredericksburg Free
Lance-Star last week I've
heard from many of you who
work hard for your families
and who are annoyed by the
"lazy husband"
myth. If you feel the same
way, feel free to let the
Tallahassee Democrat, LewRockwell.com,
and CNS News know how you
write to the Tallahassee
Democrat regarding
American husbands are hardly
slackers (3/23/06),
click on
To write to LewRockwell.com,
Are American Husbands Slackers?
(3/22/06), click on
To write to CNS News regarding
Are American Husbands Slackers?,
click on
column discusses the assertions
being made in the wake of
Betty Friedan's death that
while career opportunities
have opened up for women,
these careers are being
undermined by women's disproportionate
household obligations. The
column looks at the relevant
research to determine whether
men are doing their fair
share in their households.
Family law attorney Jeff
Leving and I wrote:
persistent criticism of
men has combined with women's
traditional expectations
of their husbands to place
men in a double bind. A
man may be a devoted caretaker
of his children or a talented
cook, but if he is unable
to provide for his family,
he is not respected. Yet
when a man works long hours
to fulfill the breadwinner
role which he is still expected
to perform, he is blamed
for not contributing as
much at home as his wife
Are You a High Earner Paying
Child Support?
law reform activist Josh
Gonze is looking for high-earners
who are paying child support.
He says his state has no
ceiling on child support
and that he is "searching
for published legal precedent
where a court placed a limit
on child support on the
grounds that the statute
produces excessively high
child support." Those
interested can respond to
Gonze at
Help for Men Struggling
with Relationships, Depression,
Anger or Anxiety
The Men's Center Los Angeles
offers individual, couple,
family and group counseling
with a focus on men's issues.
Call them at (818) 348-9302
or go to
The Rantings of a Single
Male: Losing Patience with
Feminism, Political Correctness...
and Basically Everything
describes the rise of feminism
from the mid '70s to the
present, through Ellis'
personal experiences and
is loaded with outrageous
Legal Help for Fathers
If you live in Los Angeles,
Riverside or Orange counties
and you're facing a divorce,
separation, or a child custody
issue, the law firm of Oddenino
& Gaule can help. |
Glenn Quoted, Misquoted
by Knight-Ridder/Tribune
News Service
I was quoted (and misquoted)
in the Knight-Ridder/Tribune
News Service article
Women outdo men in graduations,
which appeared in the Orlando
Sentinel, the San Jose Mercury
News, and other newspapers
last week. The article says:
are smarter than men.
"That's one possible
conclusion you can draw
from a study released Wednesday
by UCF's Institute for Diversity
and Ethics in Sport.
"The study, which examined
the graduation rates for
teams headed to the NCAA
men's and women's basketball
tournaments, shows that
women's basketball players
do far better academically
than men's basketball players.
"Ninety-five percent
of the women's teams graduated
half of their players. Only
64 percent of the men's
teams did the same."
The article
quotes and paraphrases me
as follows:
[Sacks] acknowledges that
the male basketball players
should take their classwork
more seriously.
of the guys hope for or
expect a multimillion-dollar
NBA payday after they leave
school. Therefore, they
spend more time on basketball
than schoolwork.
there's something else:
what Sacks calls the 'Bill
Buckner Syndrome,' the desire
not to screw up on the court.
Sacks said that male basketball
players are more likely
to work harder on their
games than women because
men generally play in front
of larger audiences.
one of these male players
screw up in a major way,
you'll screw up in front
of millions of people,'
Sacks said. 'That'll get
you to focus on your game
in a major way.'"
In the
interview I gave several
reasons for the women's
better academic performance
among top athletes. For
one, there's simple economics.
In general, economics dictates
human behavior. While it
would be nice if the student-athletes
focused on their studies
instead of sports, a top
male college basketball
player is not far away from
earning millions of dollars
as an NBA player. Many others
are close enough to think
they will, and others have
at least an outside shot.
In this situation, it makes
economic sense to focus
on basketball, not school.
One can always go back and
take Western Civ. or Biology,
but opportunities to become
a professional athlete are
precious and rare.
It is
true that some of the top
women players will go on
to the WNBA, where they'll
make some money. However,
it's nothing like the future
earning potential that the
men have.
reason is distractions.
Male athletes are heroes
who receive press attention
and adulation. Because there
is less interest in women's
sports, women athletes receive
far less.
And of
course, there's the issue
of attention from the opposite
sex. I doubt that being
an accomplished athlete
does much to effect a college
woman's chance of attracting
members of the opposite
sex. It's not difficult
for college-age women anyway.
On the
other hand, for young men
and their voracious sex
drives, the girls are a
huge distraction. And it's
not hard for a young athlete
to figure out that it's
the athletes, not the good
students, who get the girls.
I also
pointed out to the reporter
that there's probably more
competition for the men's
athletic slots. I would
imagine that the starting
center for a major men's
college basketball team
has had to beat out more
competition than the starting
center for the women's team.
I also
believe the "Bill Buckner"
factor--the fear of being
embarrassed in front of
millions of people in a
highly publicized, televised
athletic competition--also
spurs athletes to do their
Buckner was the Red Sox
first baseman who let a
groundball go through his
legs in the 6th game of
the 1986 World Series against
the Mets, allowing the Mets
to win the game and, a day
later, the series. Buckner
has always been the standard
for "goat." I'd
feel sorry for him, except
that throughout his career
he was always badly overrated,
so I always viewed his series
humiliation as simply evening
things out).
the reporter contacted me
and explained that the story
was about male athletes
not doing as well in school
as their female counterparts,
I said "and you've
contacted me because you
know I'm a knee jerk defender
of men who will make excuses
for their behavior, no matter
how stupid, lazy or inexcusable."
Obviously I was joking.
So the reporter wrote "Glenn
Sacks calls himself 'a knee-jerk
defender of men,'"
and now it's in major newspapers
like I was serious. Sigh...
I suppose
it's another example of
my oft-stated axiom for
dealing with media--expect
little, and don't be surprised
when you get even less.
The Second Wives Club
The Second Wives Club is what
women in blended families
are looking for: Remarriage,
divorce, child custody, and
step parenting discussed in
a solution-oriented, mature,
and intelligent way; articles
and news written by thought-provoking
experts and journalists; personal
accounts and advice from some
of life's most interesting
The Secrets of Happily Married
How can a man achieve a long
and happy marriage? If you've
been checking out advice
columns or seeing a therapist,
you may have been looking
in the wrong place. Despite
all the advances in brain
technology, and all of that
we have learned about developmental
psychology--men and women
are given the same advice
about solving problems. But
when we ask men what works
for them, we hear a different
College Athletics
One of
the biggest concerns for
male college athletes is
the feminist-inspired interpretation
of Title IX that has led
to the destruction of hundreds
of men's athletic teams.
In my column
Title IX Lawsuits are Endangering
Men's College Sports
(Los Angeles Daily News,
9/7/01) I wrote:
one of UCLA's proudest moments,
UCLA-trained swimmers and
gymnasts dominated the 1984
Summer Olympics. Half of
the gold-medal winning men's
gymnastic team were Bruins.
Yet, despite producing 22
Olympic swimming competitors
and dozens of world-class
gymnasts, these UCLA men's
teams were eliminated less
than a decade later. In
fact, over the past five
years more than 350 men's
collegiate athletic teams
have been eliminated nationwide,
and the number of men's
gymnastics teams has fallen
from 200 to just 21. What
"These athletic programs
were not felled by mismanagement,
drugs, or rules violations.
They were destroyed by something
far more dangerous than
a triple full twist off
the parallel bars or a reverse
three and a half somersaults
dive. They were destroyed
by Title IX.
"Title IX of the Education
Amendments Act of 1972 barred
sex discrimination in any
educational program or activity
which receives federal funding.
In the decades since, women's
athletics have burgeoned
in high schools and colleges.
Title IX was and remains
an important and laudable
victory for the women's
"More recently, however,
misguided feminist lawsuits
and political lobbying have
changed Title IX from a
vehicle to open up opportunities
for women to a scorched
earth policy whereby the
destruction of men's athletics
has become an acceptable
substitute for strengthening
women's athletics."
War Veterans Return Home
To Custody Battles
I've covered the custody
problems faced by deployed
service personnel on many
occasions. According to
this piece on KMBC TV
in Kansas City:
local women are fighting
to get their children back
after serving their country
overseas, KMBC's Bev Chapman
"When Dena Stephenson
went off to war, her 6-year-old
daughter, Kristina, went
to stay with her father.
Stephenson followed the
military's Family Care Plan,
which gave temporary power
of attorney and guardianship
of her child.
"'Once I came back
from deployment, naturally,
my child wanted to be with
me nonstop,' Stephenson
"Stephenson said she
was supposed to get Kristina
back when she returned home,
but now the girl's father
is asking for 50-50 custody.
"'I don't agree with
that as a parenting plan.
I don't think it's healthy
for the child and I've already
missed a year of her life,'
Stephenson said. 'It hurts
me that he's trying to do
this, and in the long run,
I think it's going to hurt
her, too.'
"Regina Ellis is going
through a similar experience.
She was deployed overseas
for a year, and she also
followed the Family Care
Plan. Now that she's back,
Ellis has lost custody of
her son, Trevor.
"This month, her ex-husband
gained full-time custody,
and Ellis said she sees
Trevor only every other
"'It's not just us
and it's not just the Army
and it's not just females
-- this is military-wide,
and it hurts,' Ellis said."
I often hear from deployed
servicemembers--some of
them female--who are facing
these problems, and I sympathize.
In this case, however, I
sympathize with only one
of the two ladies involved.
In the case of Regina Ellis,
where her ex-husband has
won sole custody of their
son and she can only see
him every other weekend,
I think it's an outrageous
In the Dena Stephenson case,
however, I see no injustice
except the one she is trying
to perpetrate against her
ex-husband. Her ex-husband
parented their 6 year-old
daughter full-time while
Stephenson was away, and
now that she has returned
he has offered her 50-50
custody. She should recognize
that this is best for the
child, and acknowledge how
fair and reasonable her
ex-husband is being. Instead
she is demanding sole
custody and, playing the
victim, says "It hurts
me that he's trying to do
this." In other words,
he's been raising their
daughter full-time but now
that the child's "real"
parent is back the girl's
bond with her father is
of little or no import.
As for dad, he can kiss
his parenthood goodbye and
settle for the every other
weekend visitation shaft.
I wish I could set up two
legal assistance funds here---one
for Regina Ellis, the other
for Dena Stephenson's ex-husband.
learn more about this issue,
see my co-authored column
Laws Must Protect the Rights
of Military Dads
(Army Times, Marine Corps
Times, 3/28/05), and listen
to the His
Side with Glenn Sacks
show Two
Years into Iraq War, Little
Has Been Done to Protect
the Rights of Military Fathers
read about recent legislative
victories for military parents
in California and Michigan,
here and
Man-Bashing on College Campuses
A reader
sent me this clip from "The
Family Guy" which illustrates
the man-bashing and anti-male
hysteria prevalent on our
college campuses today.
To watch, click
I detailed
my sentiments about the
way male college students
are treated in my column
Why Males Don't Go to College
(She Thinks, 11/13/02).
I also criticized "feminist
academics [female and male]
who poured their derision
upon college men, knowing
that their students could
not effectively fight back,"
and "timid male professors
who were so content with
their own careers that they
were perfectly willing to
allow 18 year-old boys to
be beat up on rather than
jeopardize their own comfort
by speaking out."
A 100% True Home-Based Business
Why work from home? Freedom
to spend your time as you
choose. A plan B to prepare
for the unexpected. Income
without a ceiling. Reach your
income potential. Not all
businesses are equal, read
about Deanna
Uldall's in the December
issue of Success from Home
Female-to-English Dictionary
Dr. Shoveen goes behind the
words that women use to reveal
their hidden meanings and
thought processes. |
Indiana Politician Responds
to Glenn over 'Deadbeat Dad'
A couple
weeks ago I discussed Roseland
Town Council President Dorothy
decision to run for the Indiana
state legislature on a
noncustodial parents' rights
platform. She decided to run
when Indiana State Rep. Ryan
Dvorak proposed a bill which
would require officeholders
who are more than $15,000
in arrears to give up their
offices. Snyder's husband,
David Snyder, a local councilman,
is reportedly $90,000 behind
in child support.
candidacy got a lot of play
and applause on men's and
fathers' websites and elists.
I noted that "it would
be wrong to assume...that
David Snyder is a deadbeat
who abandoned his kids...many
so-called "deadbeat"
parents are instead simply
dead broke or are victims
of the system." However,
I also cautioned that "it
would also be wrong to assume
that David Snyder is simply
a victim of the system. There
are fathers who behave irresponsibly
towards their children, and
he might be one of them. I'd
like a little more information
before we all go jumping into
bed together."
I guess
one of my readers forwarded
my enewsletter on to Snyder,
because he contacted me a
few days later. Snyder wrote:
column came to my attention
today, and as usual for me
when I read similar writings
my stomach begins to churn
at the unfairness of our current
laws and the living hell non-custodial
parents, children, and extended
families are going through
due the thoughtless actions
of our legislators. You fairly
reserved judgment in my case
as I would be wont to do until
I had heard all sides."
to Snyder, his child support
arrearage (which he claims
is $60,000, not $90,000 as
reports indicated) was caused
by a combination of factors
which will sound familiar
to many of the divorced dads
on this e-list. These include:
child support based on an
income well beyond what Snyder
was actually earning; unequal
division of marital property;
legal bills; periods of unemployment
or underemployment; his ex-wife
using the legal system to
tie up and then destroy his
business; and stiff penalties
and interest on the arrearages.
In the middle of all of this
Snyder says he contracted
cancer. He also claims that
his ex-wife alienated his
children and poisoned them
against him.
I have
no idea if all of this is
true. I will say one this--I've
received thousands of letters
from fathers telling me the
same types of stories, so
Snyder's claims are certainly
Glenn Sacks
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