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Reuniting Daughters & Daddies

His Side--"Bridges: Reuniting Daughters & Daddies"--is below. 

We invite you to call the show live at 1-800-439-4805 (lines open this Sunday from 5-6 PM PST).

For those who are outside of our radio stations' coverage ranges, you can listen to the show live this Sunday (6/12/05) via our station's excellent Internet stream at Listen Live. To find out where to listen to His Side with Glenn Sacks on the radio, click here.

The audio of  Sunday's His Side--"Families and Fathers Conference 2005: Civil Rights Leaders or Reactionary Patriarchs?"--can be heard by clicking here. In the wake of the show fathers are being excoriated as cheap, uncaring cads on feminist discussion threads here, here, and here.

More "Deadbeat Dad" Lunacy

Many times on the show I have read from the "Top 10 Most Wanted Child Support Evaders" lists put out by various states. As I've pointed out many times, the lists are usually full of unskilled laborers who owe fantastic sums of money they could never hope to pay off. Virginia's new list has just been announced. Of the 11 so-called "deadbeats" on there, only one--an electrician--has a real job skill or marketable talent. Yet in the article Virginia announces 'Most Wanted' child support evaders the Bristol Herald-Courier comments with a straight face that a laborer "owes" $103,094, a carnival worker "owes" $59,337, and a construction worker "owes" $91,000. In most of these cases "deadbeat dads" are being manufactured by the family court system and the child support bureaucracy.

To hear me comment on a particularly egregious case, listen to my three minute radio commentary on the Francis Borgia child support case. To learn more about the issue, see my co-authored columns It's Child Support Guidelines that Need Surgery, Not 'Deadbeat Dads' (Cincinnati Post, Kentucky Post, 5/12/04),   New Study Shows Child Support Guidelines in Need of Reform (Daily Breeze [Los Angeles], 6/20/04) and Divorced from Reality on Child Support (Newark Star-Ledger, 9/6/02)

Denver Publication Asks Sackson Horde for Peace

After receiving another bombardment of letters after my May 29 broadcast, Patricia Calhoun the beleaguered editor of the publication Denver Westword, has apparently had enough. Calhoun wrote in their latest edition "Okay, that's it. Since Jason Heller wrote his 260-word piece on Todd Goldman, the author of Boys Are Stupid, Throw Rocks at Them, who was coming to town for a May 13 book signing, Westword has been flooded with dozens of e-mails from around the country..." To read the whole Editor's Note, click here. For the background on the feud between me and the reporter who insulted me and the movement, click here and here.

Glenn to Appear on the Al Rantel Show 

Glenn will be appearing on the Al Rantel Show on KABC AM 790 in Los Angeles on Wednesday, June 15 at 8 PM. The call-in number is 1 800 222 KABC. You can listen live via the Internet here.

California Military Parents Bill Passes Senate

SB 1082, the military parents' bill, just passed the California Senate unanimously. The bill will help protect the custody and visitation rights of parents who are called up to active duty, and also help with the bureaucratic child support nightmare faced by many deployed reservists. In April the Sackson Horde helped jolt SB 1082 out of the California Senate Judiciary Committee. Thanks to all of you who supported our campaign, and special thanks to lobbyist Mike Robinson for his great work. I often receive letters from servicemen in Iraq and Afghanistan who are struggling with custody and child support issues.

Families and Fathers Conference 2005

The conference will be held June 16 -18 in Detroit, Michigan. Speakers include:  ACFC President Stephen Baskerville; family law attorney Jeffrey Leving Dr. Ned Holstein of Fathers and Families of Massachusetts; Dr. Steven Walker of Families in Transition, Carnell Smith of US Citizens Against Paternity Fraud; and others. To learn more about the conference, click here.

The Men's Legal Center specializes in representing men in family court. Their goal is to provide you with quality representation that you can trust.  If you have child custody and child support issues, are preparing for mediation, need guideline calculations or have an imputed income case, if you're dealing with the DA and face a driver's license suspension or have a support arrears case, they handle all your legal matters completely and diligently, and in accordance with the highest standards of the legal profession. Call the Men's Legal Center at 619 234 3838 or visit them at  www.menslegal.com.

The Coalition of Fathers and Families of New York is leading the fight for fathers in New York state. Go to www.fafny.org or contact FaFNY VP Mr. Randall L. Dickinson at Dickins895@aol.com  / (518) 899-3302 or FaFNY coordinator Debbie Fellows at DAFellows2001@yahoo.com / (518) 381 6948.

If you're concerned about financial issues in your divorce, the accounting firm of DiGabriele, McNulty & Co. can help.  They're experts in tax and forensic accounting in divorce, including business valuations,  income determinations for child support, and tax issues in proposed martial settlements.  They take a professional, common sense approach to this sensitive area. You can reach Jim DiGabriele by email here or by phone at 973 243 2600. Their website is www.thecpaexpert.com.

If you own a business or professional practice and are interested in advertising on the show, please contact Advertise@HisSide.com. To support the advertisers who support His Side, go to His Side Advertisers.

To become a His Side supporter and have CDs of all His Side shows for six months mailed to you, click here

As always, all information about the show can be found at HisSide.com. I welcome your comments and suggestions.

Best Wishes,
Glenn Sacks
Listen to His Side with Glenn Sacks

Bridges: Reuniting Daughters & Daddies

It has been said that a man never knows what love is until he has a daughter. Of all the bonds between family members, those between fathers and daughters are often the closest. At the same time, they can also be the most tenuous.


In her book Whatever Happened to Daddy's Little Girl? Jonetta Rose Barras asserts that many women suffer from what she calls "Fatherless Woman Syndrome," and that it often stays with women their whole lives. She believes that while the effect of fatherlessness on boys receives more attention, fatherlessness has a devastating impact on girls, too.


In her newly released book Bridges: Reuniting Daughters & Daddies, Barras uses illustrations pulled from the lives of real women and their fathers to help point the way to reconciliation between fathers and their daughters.


Barras will join Glenn on His Side with Glenn Sacks on Sunday, June 12 at 5 PM PST/8 PM EST.  For those who are outside of our radio stations' coverage ranges, you can listen to the show live via our station's excellent Internet stream at Listen Live.

You can call the show and join the discussion in progress at 1-800-439-4805 (lines open this Sunday from 5-6 PM PST).

To learn more, see:

His Side with Glenn Sacks can be heard on WSNR AM 620 in New York City and North-Eastern New Jersey, and on WWZN AM 1510 in Boston on Sundays at 10 PM EST. The show can also be heard in Southern California on KTIE AM 590 at 5 PM PST. To listen live via the Internet from anywhere in the world, go to Listen Live. Both radio and Internet listeners are encouraged to call and participate in the show live and on the air at 1-800-439-4805 (lines open Sundays from 5-6PM PST).


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