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} DADs New England Benefit & Auction

Dads and Daughters will be in Boston on January 26, 2006 for a special evening benefit featuring renowned social humorist Jimmy Tingle.  We are raising funds for DADs to help create a better, safer and fairer world for our daughters.  Please help us spread the word and tell your friends, family and colleagues who live in the greater Boston area to be sure to make reservations now!


} Give a Father-Daughter Bond

Dads & Daughters has issued Father-Daughter Bonds to celebrate and recognize the importance and impact of the father-daughter relationship.  Available in $25 denominations, bond proceeds support the educational, policy, advocacy and research work at DADs.  Upon maturity the bearer will see a world transformed by the power and potential of fathers and daughters.  A perfect way to honor a birthday, anniversary, or any occasion as a way to show you care - and support Dads & Daughters at the same time!


} Chicken Soup for the Father & Daughter Soul

Order a special signed copy of this new book! The publisher is donating a portion of all sales to Dads and Daughters.  Read a sample story





Dads and Daughters

is a proud participant in the Combined Federal Campaign


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Contents copyright 1999 - 2005 Dads & Daughters | All rights reserved
2 West 1st Street, Suite 101, Duluth MN 55802 | Phone: 218.722.3942 | Email: Info@dadsanddaughters.org