Judges and the Development of Parental Alienation Syndrome
By David Heleniak
Wednesday, August 02, 2006
I defined it in “False Domestic Violence Accusations Can
Lead To Parental Alienation Syndrome,”
Parental Alienation Syndrome (PAS) is a pattern of
thoughts and behavior that can develop in a child of
separated parents where the custodial parent causes the
child, through manipulation and access blocking, to
unjustifiably fear and/or hate the other parent. PAS is
more than brainwashing, in that the child comes to
actively participate in the degradation of the target
parent, coming up with original (often ludicrous)
reasons to fear/hate him or her.
Dr. Richard A. Gardner (1931-2003), who coined the term
“Parental Alienation Syndrome” in 1985, believed that
judges, rather than impede the development of PAS, often
facilitated it. In two important articles written near
the end of his life, “Should Courts Order PAS Children
to Visit/Reside with the Alienated Parent?: A Follow-up
Study” (2001) and “The Judiciary’s Role in the Etiology,
Symptom Development, and Treatment of the Parental
Alienation Syndrome (PAS)” (2002), Gardner drew on his
many years of experience with custody litigation to
point out, by my count, five problems with the current
According to Gardner, one way judges facilitate the
development of PAS is through their undue delay in
resolving custody disputes.
I have not once seen a speedy trial in the context of a
child-custody dispute. I have seen speedy issuance of
restraining orders, often without proper collection of
evidence.... But I have never seen a speedy decision
made in a child-custody dispute. The usual duration of
such cases that have come to my attention has been two
to three years between the time of the initiation of the
dispute and the time of the court’s decision. By that
time, the children are significantly older and the
decision is made on the basis of data that may no longer
be relevant. All this works for the alienator, because
the more time the alienator has access to the children,
the more deeply entrenched will become the PAS campaign
of denigration. By the time the children do come to the
attention of the court, they will protest vigorously any
kind of a court-imposed program that might lead to
reconciliation with the alienated parent.
Gardner observed a second way judges facilitate the
development of PAS, through their reluctance to change
the status quo.
Another problem with the courts is the failure to make
decisions that involve significant change in the lives
of the children. The orientation is to maintain the
status quo. On the one hand, such reluctance may serve
well many children because custodial transfer often
involves a change in domicile, a change in neighborhood,
school, and network of friends. On the other hand, such
considerations must be weighed against the special needs
of PAS children. If there is to be any hope of their
reestablishing a relationship with the targeted parent,
PAS children must spend significant time with him (her).
They must have living experiences that will demonstrate
that the PAS parent is not noxious and/or dangerous. My
experience has been that most judges do not appreciate
that the arguments in favor of transfer for PAS children
generally outweigh the arguments for maintaining the
status quo.
A third way, in Gardner eyes, that judges facilitate the
development of PAS is through their unwillingness to
impose sanctions on the alienating parent.
Courts will, on occasion, change custody when it
recognizes relentless PAS programming. My experience has
been, however, that such transfer is uncommon and
nothing else is done (other than empty warnings and
threats) to discourage or restrict further the
relentless programming.... I generally recommend a
hierarchy of warnings to the alienating parent, from
posting a bond to short-term incarceration. My
experience has been that courts are extremely reluctant
to even warn alienating parents about such
sanctions--let alone implement them. Unfortunately, my
experience has also been that even when judges do warn
alienating parents that violating court orders places
them in contempt of court, and they run the risk of the
implementation of one or more of the aforementioned
sanctions, nothing happens. Typically, the courts do not
follow through with such threats (in the rare cases in
which they are made). The alienators know this. In fact,
they know this well, and they know that they can violate
such court orders with impunity. Accordingly, they
ignore the court orders and ignore the warnings of
sanctions. I am not saying that courts never impose such
sanctions; I am only saying that they rarely do so in my
experience and the experiences of colleagues of mine in
the field.
Unafraid of consequences, alienating parents know
well how to “work the system.” They violate
court-ordered visitation schedules, and they know that
they can most often do so with impunity. They recognize
that the courts are slow, and that time is on their
side. The longer they have access to the children, the
more deeply entrenched will become their PAS symptoms.
A fourth way judges facilitate the development of PAS,
per Gardner, is through their over-reliance on and
overconfidence in psychological therapy.
With regard to judge’s ordering therapy, there is
generally no problem getting judges to follow the
recommendation of a mental health professional that an
individual be in treatment. This is the in-vogue thing
to do, and judges that do not profess a respect for
therapy may be considered out of touch with the latest
trends. Furthermore, courts are often happy to order
therapy, because it shifts somewhat the responsibility
for doing something constructive and useful into the
hands of another person. Accordingly, ordering therapy
can justifiably be viewed as a judicial “cop-out” in
many cases. It is a far easier, and even safer course
than ordering custodial transfer, and/or various
restrictions and even sanctions for the alienating
parent. Courts, in their eagerness to order treatment,
often make little if any discrimination among
therapists. Courts traditionally will order “therapy”
without giving any consideration to who the therapist is
and whether or not that therapist has any knowledge or
experience working with PAS children. The assumption is
often made that any therapist will do and that most
therapists know what to do with any patient who is sent
their way. PAS children need therapy with a therapist
who is knowledgeable about the special techniques
necessary for the treatment of PAS children. Because, at
this point, there are so few therapists who have this
special knowledge, the likelihood of the children
receiving proper treatment is very small.
As Gardner further observed,
There is no question that therapy has been oversold to
the public and is far less efficient and effective than
it is purported to be by most mental health
professionals. Judges have often bought into this. I
suspect that most judges do not have the respect for
therapy that they profess in the courtroom, but it can
serve as an ostensible solution to the case. By ordering
everyone into therapy, they can make a quick decision
and then move on to the next case. Most PAS
indoctrinators are not candidates for therapy. To be a
proper candidate for meaningful therapy two provisos
must be satisfied: 1) the individual has insight into
the fact that he (she) has psychiatric problems and 2)
the individual is motivated to alleviate these problems.
PAS indoctrinators do not generally consider their
brainwashing of their children to be a manifestation of
a psychiatric problem. They do not recognize that what
they are perpetrating is a form of emotional abuse,
because poisoning a child against a loving parent is
very much a form of emotional abuse. Accordingly, they
do not satisfy the first proviso. Furthermore, without
insight into the fact that they have a psychiatric
problem, they do not have the motivation to change
anything--especially in the realm of the PAS
indoctrinational process. Accordingly, the second
proviso is not satisfied either. Judges do not seem to
appreciate that they cannot really order someone into
meaningful treatment. They might be able to order
somebody to spend some time in a room with a therapist
who is naïve enough to take on such a patient, but they
cannot order the person to be motivated to change.
Furthermore, most people do not follow through with the
order anyway, from the recognition that the judge is not
going to follow up on it in the immediate future. What
happens then is that the PAS indoctrinator continues to
program the children, and the PAS becomes more deeply
Finally, a fifth way noted by Gardner that judges
facilitate the development of PAS is through their
refusal to punish perjury.
I have seen alienators consciously and deliberately
fabricate on the witness stand and do so year after
year. (As mentioned, some litigated custody disputes
last for years.) And I am sure that in many such cases
the court was aware of the fact that the alienating
parent was being deceitful. Yet, I have never seen a
case in which a court has in any way punished such a
parent for perjuring themselves on the witness stand. I
have seen courts punish such perjurers in other ways,
such as transferring custody; but I have never seen a
court impose a punishment for perjury per se.
Accordingly, PAS indoctrinators know well that they can
lie on the witness stand with impunity, and they try to
get away with as much as they can. They are ever
“pushing the limits,” ever testing to see how far they
can go with their violations of the court orders.
Accordingly, they continue to perjure themselves--often
with the full knowledge and support of their attorneys.
In Gardner’s experience, cases involving PAS usually end
the same way, badly, and judges usually share in the
blame for the outcome.
This is the most common sequence, a sequence I have
repeatedly seen: The alienator successfully alienates
the children. The target parent goes to court (the time
gap between the onset of the alienation and the court
hearing is often a year). The trial drags on over a few
weeks or a few months. The court orders an evaluation
(often the evaluator is someone who may know little, if
anything, about the PAS). The evaluation takes
four-to-five months. Five-to-six months later there is
another court hearing, at which point the judge orders
therapy for everyone. (And the therapists may know
nothing about PAS either.) The alienator does not go,
nor does the alienator bring the children. The alienator
recognizes that he (she) can do so with impunity. The
alienated parent, in desperation, decides to bring the
case back to court. By this time another six-to-nine
months may have elapsed. Another hearing is scheduled
six months to a year later. By this point, in typical
cases, the PAS has become even more deeply entrenched in
the children’s brain circuitry, and the children, by
this time, have been alienated for three years or more.
Back in court, the judge decides that the original
evaluation is too old and orders a new evaluation.
Sometimes this may be an update of the earlier one, and
sometimes a new evaluator is brought in. In either case,
the judge takes the position that any evaluator will do
and is not concerned with whether the evaluator has any
knowledge at all of the PAS. This takes another six
months to a year. The new evaluator recommends more
therapy. After the third or fourth round, the children
are in their teens, and the judge (by this time the
fourth or fifth one) throws up his (her) hands, claiming
that there is nothing that can be done with teenagers.
At that point, the children have become permanently
alienated, and the judiciary has basically joined forces
with the alienating parent in bringing about this all
too common tragic result.
Gardner hoped that his articles would “play a role in
mobilizing courts to do what is necessary for PAS
children, and do it quickly.” Hopefully other government
officials--including legislators, prosecutors, police
officers, child protective services agents, and
appellate judges--will also be motivated to help family
court judges and each other combat PAS.
David Heleniak is an attorney in Morristown, NJ, and the
author of “The New Star Chamber: The New Jersey Family
Court and the Prevention of Domestic Violence Act.”
False Domestic Violence Accusations Can Lead To Parental Alienation Syndrome
April 19,
by David Heleniak
Alienation Syndrome
(PAS) is a pattern of thoughts
and behavior that can develop in
a child of separated parents
where the custodial parent
causes the child, through
manipulation and access
blocking, to unjustifiably fear
and/or hate the other parent.
PAS is more than brainwashing,
in that the child comes to
actively participate in the
degradation of the target
parent, coming up with original
(often ludicrous) reasons to
fear/hate him or her.
Domestic violence (DV)
restraining orders are a perfect
weapon for an alienating parent.
Typically, in addition to
removing an accused abuser from
the marital home, a DV
restraining order also
"temporarily" bars the accused
abuser from seeing his or her
children, and "temporarily"
gives the accusing parent
exclusive physical custody. And
temporary, in the Family Court,
has a funny way of becoming
Obtaining a restraining order
based on a false allegation of
domestic violence gets the
target parent out of the house
and out of the picture. A father
who can't see his kids, for
example, is unable to rebut the
lie "Daddy doesn't love you
anymore. That's why he left
you." Nor can he rebut the
alternate lie, "Daddy is
dangerous. The wise judge said
so. That's why
he can't see you."