VAWA: A four-letter word that means tyranny
After eleven years as law, “The Violence Against Women Act” (VAWA)has done little more than destroy families and fund social engineering schemes unrelated to intimate partner violence. This dysfunctional law leaves violent criminals free to abuse at will, but inflicts brutalities unworthy of a free society on innocent victims of false allegations of domestic violence.
The plain truth is VAWA is unconstitutional. Nothing in Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution of the United States of America, including the Commerce Clause, authorizes the Congress to regulate and control personal relations between individuals. Further, the blatant and undeniable gender bias seen on the face of VAWA is discrimination against a subject class, men, in direct violation of Section 1 of Amendment XIV of the Constitution notwithstanding pious statements to the contrary by uninformed Senators.
Destroying Civil Liberties
We oppose domestic violence and believe attackers of any innocent person should be brought to trial. However, violence is propagated more commonly and broadly by denying civil liberties than controlled.
VAWA has promoted, funded, or mandated:
- Mandatory arrests without a warrant, often based
on nothing more than hearsay;
- A standard under which the accused is guilty
until proven innocent and mere allegations now
suffice as proof;
- Forced citizens fromtheir homes and children
with nothing more than the clothes on their back
without any pretense of due process;
- Endorsed searches of homes without a warrant;
- Allowed seizures of property without redress;
- Denied defendants the assistance of counsel, the
right to confront their accuser and obtain witnesses
in their defense;
- Punishment and imprisonment that occurs before a
trial or without one;
- Invoked public censure for crimes men have not committed.
VAWA has created a new subclass of citizens who find themselves defendants in domestic violence cases. Many of these citizens are innocent fathers who simply want to be a loving part of their children's lives. They find themselves denied their civil rights and due process, tortured and coerced into submission, degraded, and humiliated by a justice system that now accepts hearsay as proof.
Domestic violence laws at all levels of government must hold accountable law enforcement agents, judges, attorneys, social service providers and advocates to ensure equal protection in the enforcement of the laws. The dialog within these groups also needs to specify that fraudulent claims and suborning perjury are criminal acts.
Public money used for the prevention of domestic violence must deal solely with that issue. Laws must forbid the funding of operations to support any other legal, political, or social agendas such as; rape, divorce, child custody, or any gender specific issue under the guise of "domestic violence."
Ever Expanding Definitions of Domestic Violence
The domestic violence industry's survival is dependent on abuses never ending and inventing them. For it to grow, as any industry desires to, the level of abuses must seem to increase and the definition of domestic violence must expand indefinitely. Ending domestic violence is incontestably a conflict of interest for the industry that VAWA funds as it depends on more and more “victims” or for greater levels of fraud and perjury to be committed.
The needed reforms are:
- Domestic violence is a state matter. Existing
Federal laws should be repealed or allowed to
- Domestic violence laws must be gender neutral in
all respects and practice.
- Domestic violence and abuse laws must not
violate the rights to due process and equal
protection under the law.
- False allegations of domestic violence and
suborning perjury must be dealt with as criminal
- Domestic violence laws at all levels of
government must exist solely in the criminal codes.
- Organizations receiving public moneys for domestic violence programs must be prohibited from lobbying legislatures on unrelated issues.
However, under VAWA the Federal government is paying states to violate both the Federal and, often, the State Constitution. Moreover, under these practices we punish the innocent and free the guilty.
The law must guarantee citizens their rights to equal protection under the law and due process in all cases. Prosecution of criminal acts is critical regardless of whether they are acts of physical violence or false allegations of violence. Enactment of future anti-domestic violence laws must be in our criminal codes and those currently within our civil codes be repealed.
Domestic violence laws and their operation throughout the country need reviewing under the highest level of scrutiny possible. Qualified scientists must conduct a comprehensive, well-funded study of domestic violence rather than ideologues in order to establish how pervasive this problem is and what methods are most effective in reducing it.
The study needs to evaluate and document the different ways the sexes assault and murder each other. Knowing what methods of abuse and homicide both sexes use and recognizing the symptoms will assist the people that treat the abused, collect evidence and enforce the laws.
Preventing fraudulent claims must be a requirement of all domestic violence support systems. The failure to do this for the past ten years has allowed a system rife with fraud to run amok and prevented those with valid claims from receiving needed services.
The rework suggested in VAWA 2005 only promises to provide more funding to the current fraud-ridden system riddled with advocacy research studies and government propaganda. Renewal of this law will expand a level of civil rights violations unequaled since the abolition of slavery.
There is a dire need to start doing what makes sense so that the domestic violence laws effectively deal with violent criminals. Our system must be free of perjury and fraud, and operate within constitutional constraints. We must let VAWA sunset and rethink our needs and priorities from the beginning.
A system of Justice hanging on bare threads of morality and truth cannot withstand the influences of the rage and spite that plague our society today.
Blind Acceptance
Despite repeated requests, no witnesses in opposition to VAWA 2005 will testify at the Senate Judiciary Committee hearings on July 19, 2005. Is our Congress trying to prove they only serve special interest groups?
Republicans seem blind to the fact that VAWA has been a direct assault on a major voter stronghold of the GOP, men, and especially divorced fathers. There is already broad vocal dissent from these voters over support by Republicans for VAWA 2005. They are promising to take revenge in the 2006 and 2008 elections for what they feel is an outright betrayal. Supporting VAWA 2005 could be the quickest route for the Republicans to become the minority party again.
Equal Protection Under the Law is True Equality
"Any country that has tried to create a political
solution to human problems has ended up with
concentration camps and gulags."
Erin Pizzey, who began the shelter for battered women
movement in 1971