Evidence and Knowledge You Need in Divorce and Custody Cases



THE BIBLE on Saving Your Children From the Ravages of Divorce.

This is the best resource available on why and how shared parenting is by far best for children of divorce when there are two fit parents.  Over 200 scientific research footnotes showing that shared parenting is in the "best interest of the child". You should force your judge to read this by submitting this as evidence.

This should be read by all divorcing parents, judges and lawyers and submitted as evidence for those wishing for shared (near equal) parenting, not sole custody with limited visitation which does not prepare children to be successful.

Buy now at $24.00 or
Buy 3 for $60.00 to provide to spouse and judge.

All profits go to help the FathersUnite.org



Judge Profiled in Father's Case Illegally Bans Book

With clear conflict of interest, no hearing on court record impoundment and no jurisdiction judge Manzi tries to ban a book by ordering Kevin not to disseminate it! Luckily we already had an agreement to distribute it and this order does not apply to us!
This is just a typical, daily illegal act by a judge done for their personal self-interest.

You need to know what you are in for in these corrupt family courts. The game is rigged for women, lawyers and the states to get billions in federal funding by taking away your children. If you do not learn about this you will be booby trapped at trial - your own lawyer is likely to sell you out when it is to late. Learn how to defend yourself against the sexual bias, corruption in family court.

the ebook instantly here for $12.00.
 One-hundred percent will go to helping reform family courts.



The ultimate evidence you need to submit at your trial on why shared parenting, not sole custody with visitation, is by far superior for children. This is based on 13 years of research and over 200 scientific studies. Dr. Warren Farrell is one of the world's top experts in this area and is an expert witness. This was developed to train judges and should be required viewing for every judge as these people are decades behind the times in understanding this issue and running on tradition, not science. It will help you and your children avoid the ravages of divorce.

A 2 DVD Set Advanced Purchase Reservation $34.00
+ S & H.   (Available in June)

Complete evidence package with 3 DVD copies plus bibliography for evidence submission. $54.00 + S & H
Expected shipment in June.


All profits go to help the FathersUnite.org

Help Save the Children and Stop the Damage Caused by Our Current Divorce System

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100% will go towards helping this cause and with all volunteer efforts a little money will go a long way.

Thank You Very Much!

Can you help in other ways by volunteering your time? Email condor68 @ comcast.net and specify any special skills you may have. We need help with handing out booklets this summer, events and other activities.