Forum: Kleptocracy in Virginia
January 22, 2006
For the third time in six years, Virginia officials
are trying to sneak through policies that will lead to
more broken families and more fatherless children. They
will also result in massive expropriations of Virginians
without due process of law and the jailing of more
law-abiding parents. As always in the post-Clinton era,
the cynical justification is "the children," but those
who profit will be lawyers, judges and bureaucrats.
Yet another rigged government panel is groping for
any justification to railroad through higher child
support, though it already is at punitive levels. Under
current guidelines, a father clearing $2,100 monthly,
pays $1,137.50 and lives on less than $1,000. Add-ons
for health insurance can easily bring it to $2,000. This
is how Virginia officials subsidize divorce, plunder
fathers and create instant criminals out of law-abiding
Twice their efforts failed when the chicanery was
exposed in this newspaper in 1999 and 2001. Now Richard
Byrd, a divorce lawyer, has devised a new excuse: Child
support must be increased because of inflation. Never
mind that child support adjusts automatically for
inflation because it increases with income. This is like
saying taxes must be raised due to inflation.
Mr. Byrd hopes to tie child support to the Consumer
Price Index, based largely on adult consumption of adult
clothing, tobacco, alcohol, taxes and the like. His
proposal is an admission child support is not really for
children but more for the enrichment of grown-ups.
Officials are in open violation of federal law, plus
Section 20-108.2 of the state domestic relations code
and Senate Joint Resolution 192 specifically requiring
them to examine "the costs of raising children in
Virginia." Officials claim that study "would cost
millions" and have never done it, despite receiving
federal funds to do so.
So government officials refuse to obey the law with
the plea it would cost too much, when it is for
precisely this reason they are jailing parents without
trial: failure to obey the law -- capricious court
orders -- because they cannot afford to do so.
The self-serving economics of child support has been
harshly criticized by scholars. Yet the panel only
consults "experts" who urge increases. They ignore
scholars like Bryce Christensen, who notes "evidence of
the linkage between aggressive child-support policies
and the erosion of wedlock," and who writes in Society
that "the advocates of ever-more-aggressive measures for
collecting child support ... have moved us a dangerous
step closer to a police state."
They ignore Kimberly Folse and Hugo Varela-Alvarez,
who conclude child-support programs "lead to the
unintended consequence of increasing the likelihood of
divorce." The panel took no notice of W.S. Comanor's
groundbreaking volume, "The Law and Economics of Child
Support Payments," where leading scholars characterize
the system as "an obvious sham," a "disaster," and "the
most onerous form of debt collection practiced in the
United States." Citizens who want to redress the balance
with these less biased experts must pay for it out of
their own pockets.
No public outcry has ever demanded that officials
act on child support; the initiative throughout has come
entirely from government officials, who indeed exhibit
open contempt for the public. Though they promised a
two-hour public hearing, officials adjourned it after
only 50 minutes. Citizens were given 4 minutes to
express their views. One gentleman was cut off as he
tried to refute the panel's distorted economics.
Rigging the democratic process has become standard
procedure in Virginia child support politics. Like
previous panels, this one is stacked with divorce
operatives. Every panel member but two has a pecuniary
interest in higher awards and more divorce.
Yet even this meager representation is gagged. In
2001, I was removed from the panel when an in an article
in this newspaper I pointed out similar biases.
Officials made no attempt to disguise the fact the
"opinions published in the June 17, 2001, Washington
Times" were the reason. The then-Secretary of Health and
Human Resources wrote: "I find it difficult to see how
you could effectively participate along with
representatives of other groups that very likely have
different perspectives than yours." Yet the panel was
required by law to include members with different
viewpoints. Since all other panel members had a vested
interest in higher child-support burdens, a willingness
to increase child-support effectively became a
requirement for serving on the panel.
Other former members, Barry Koplen and Murray
Steinberg, have charged the panel's procedures were
rigged. No economist serves on Virginia's panel, an odd
omission if the purpose is to determine child-rearing
Meanwhile, enforcement agents stand poised to move
in on parents who, quite predictably, will be unable to
pay the increased burdens. Last fall, officials
published newspaper advertisements declaring guilty
private citizens tried for no crime and who have no
similar platform to defend themselves.