This page is
dedicated to posting "deadbeat
moms" mother who alienate their
children from their fathers, deny
visitation and use the very broken
divorce system for their own selfish
purposes. They do harm to their
own children by denying them the
influence of a father who will provide
education and balance that every
child needs. This is clearly child
It is a PROVEN
200 independent research studies
- that children brought up with
equal contact with their father
and mother do better in every way.
If 50-50 shared parenting time is
not available then children do better
with as much time as possible with
dad. It is even a proven FACT that
children do better brought up alone
by a father than by a mother!! Not
just by 10% or 50%, or even 100%
but in many case the incidents of
problems when a child does not have
a fathers influence is 10 times
to 23 times higher.
Other Factual,
Research Based Statistics:
Women in divorce
are 4 times more likely to badmouth
dad. (causes parental alienation)
Women are 23 times more likely to
kill their children!
J. Hill - 5/6 150lbs -
Since 12/2001
used the courts with false
accusations, emergency
orders and attempts to
gain sole custody and
attempts to move kids
away. She has brainwashed
the kids and poisoned
her children against their
father. Kids are
in survival mode and will
not talk to or email dad
or see dad. Parent
alienation has worked