Dear Representative,
Until recently I have never been an
activist of any kind, other than by
writing checks and having my company
support worthy causes. As a CEO
I feel I understand the challenges of
a large bureaucracy and how it can get
out of control, though I have no government
service experience. Now as
a father going through a divorce I am
constantly shocked by the judicial
system in the family and probate courts.
It is a bureaucracy that is totally
out of control to the extent of being
a complete tyranny run by judges.
I have now become committed to
a long term campaign to force the reform
of family courts. The stories
I have heard and actions I have seen
by judges are completely unbelievable.
As you must know, voters in Massachusetts
were 85% in favor of post-divorce equal
parenting rights in the recent non-binding
referendum. Every divorced Non-custodial
parent (mainly fathers) I talk to has
nothing but horror stories.
This issue needs your attention immediately! This
is one of the biggest issues in the
U.S. today. With the divorce rate
over 50%, and millions of children
across the U.S., indeed an entire
generation, being irreparably damaged
by this problem every day, action
cannot wait any longer!
I have studied this problem for
many months now and here is just
some of what I have learned:
The family courts are clearly
sexually biased and have been corrupted
by good intentions gone bad. These
courts literally ignore U.S.
Supreme Court rulings, the U.S. constitution,
and even our own state laws every
day, in nearly every case. And
the federal government looks the other
way. Proper shared parenting
legislation that FORCES judges to
obey the law and provides penalties
for not doing so is needed very badly.
One problem, that I am sure you are
aware of, is that these judges have
no real oversight, accountability,
or penalty for abusive practices.
As JFK pointed out: "Power corrupts
and absolute power corrupts absolutely."
These judges are legislating from
the bench every day based on personal
agendas and preferences, not based
on the laws they are sworn to enforce.
Today’s Topic: Best Interest of the
Judges hide behind the vague mantra
"Best interests of the children",
but it is really "best interests
of the lawyers" and easiest boiler
plate decisions with little finding
of fact. The research is in,
yet the family courts are basing their
custody decisions today on research
that is several decades old (and was
never scientifically valid), and on
traditions that should have gone away
with the Equal Rights Amendment and
woman joining the workforce. Family
court’s behavior does not reflect
today's parenting, let alone equal
In fact, shared parenting is
really already the law, as upheld
by the U.S. Supreme Court, parents
should have equal rights to raise
their children. This is a fundamental
constitutional right, which requires
"substantive due process"
and "serious harm" to children
to override any parent's rights.
Yet the higher court rulings are ignored
daily by the state courts in virtually
every case by boilerplate custody
awards that are clearly sexist. The
recent Bridget Marks case in
New York is only the latest in a series
of complete judicial abuse, where
a woman was actually found by the
court to be an "unfit mother",
to have committed fraud, perjury (and
likely committed conspiracy too),
and yet she still got full physical
custody of the children. Any man would
have gotten a jail sentence for that
As a loving father I want to, and
will, see a PRESUMPTION of shared
parenting become law, and more importantly,
be strictly enforced. Judges
are literally out of control and the
checks and balances our forefathers
designed into the constitution have
been subverted. Money is one powerful
root cause of this. More fights
between parents generate huge fees
for lawyers, and judges indirectly
benefit too.
Shared parenting is coming to the
forefront now. A huge ground
swell is building with hundreds of
web sites and fathers groups. Anything
besides a full shared parenting presumption
creates huge incentives for legal
battles, which hurt children and families
and drains family finances for the
benefit of lawyers. The current system
has become a distorted mess over the
last thirty years. Effectively the
family courts are still living in
the 1950s.
Imagine if you had to run for election
with the presumption you would lose,
and therefore (because of that presumption)
your opponent got all the money from
your fundraising efforts for their
campaign! Then the fact that you had
no money left was used to show you
had no support. Would that not
be outrageous? This is almost what
is happening in family courts today.
The children and money is given to
the mothers, then the father is told
he is the breadwinner and must continue
that by paying the ex-wife huge sums
of money (40% of his after tax income)
(citing). However, now he gets very
limited access to his own children
- so the mothers are awarded the money
AND the children. Both the children
and the responsibility to bring them
up, financial and otherwise should
be shared by both parents. It
has been shown that this is the only
way that is truly in "the best
interests of the children".(study
cites) That the divorced father
is then an indentured servant to is
ex-wife for up to twenty-three years,
because he was not the primary caregiver
AND he gets only "visitation"
is an outrage to fathers today.
The resulting conflicts,
encouraged by lawyers, drains the estates
of families at their most vulnerable
time. Mothers are set up to get
the majority of the estate and legal
and physical custody of the children
on day one of a divorce filing. Who
can blame them for taking full advantage
of this completely slanted system? Fathers
are very often forced immediately below
the poverty line by the terribly
unfair child support guidelines that
are often eight times the actual cost
of raising a child (see below).
Ultimately fathers lose on all
counts, simply on sexual bias and the
fact they spent less time with their
children, so that they could earn a
living to support them (often a choice
the couple made i.e. joint parenting).
No matter what the situation they are
raked over the coals with tens of thousands
in unnecessary legal fees. It is an
insidious and vicious cycle which generates
miserable results for families and children,
ruining many lives and often encouraging
divorce. Attorneys don’t make
money without conflict.
The bottom line is that both divorce
and fatherlessness are now encouraged
by many states including Massachusetts. Obviously
this was never the intent of these laws. This
is a silent travesty that is now coming
to light. Please research this further
and you will easily see that only lawyers
and judges benefit from the current
system, not children and families. Of
course, they want the existing family
court system maintained for their personal
power and enrichment.
I ask you to become more informed in
this issue. I trust further research
will educate you on the damage current
laws are causing to our children, fathers and
families. This is now a very serious
issue for our entire generation and
the next. There are already hundreds
of fathers rights organizations, class
actions suits in more than 46 states
and a swelling of grass roots support.
Please for our children's sake, and
entire generation, help shared
parenting happen quickly and take the
money away as motivation for both
divorce and for lawyers.
Best regards,
Robert - A concerned father whose children
have been kidnapped by the state
Father of 2 beautiful children who constantly
ask for and need more time
with their dad
68 Whitewood Road
Milford MA 01757
P.S. I will be writing to you next on
restraining order abuse which it stripping
men of all rights, sometimes without
even an accusation of wrongdoing |