In retrospect,
perhaps it was unfair to single-out
Ramesh Ponnuru, senior editor
for the National Review, in my previous
article for briskly doffing Matt
Dubay as a “deadbeat dad” on Bill
Maher’s March 10th show.
As it turns out,
Mona Charen,
Bill O’Reilly,
Dr. Dobson,
Jeff Jacoby, and
Ken Connor also got it wrong.
In fact, I have been unable to find
one that got it right.
The case involves
Matt Dubay, whose girlfriend
got pregnant out-of-wedlock by lying
about her use of birth control.
Matt subsequently filed a lawsuit,
euphemistically dubbed the “Roe
v. Wade for Men,” asserting that
he should not be held responsible
for supporting a child that is the
product of an act of reproductive
Dubay attracted
tirades from conservatives and radical
feminists alike. In principle, these
wildly divergent camps share the
same essential philosophy: The divine
prerogatives of motherhood somehow
preempt the rights of fathers to
have any say in marriage, childbearing,
and childrearing. For both radical
feminists and chivalrous conservatives
there is only one outcome: fathers
should be nothing more than quiet
indentured servants.
We do know this:
when conservatives strongly embrace
the policies of the National Organization
for Women, everybody is wrong.
Dubay is an excellent
opportunity for change in conservative
thinking and policy because this
case is rich with moral and policy
issues that conservatives often
mis-prioritize or ignore. I will
now set it right.
A brief history
of Republican social policy mistakes
To understand
the critical relevance of Dubay,
and why it will bring about a conservative
result, a brief historical summary
of Republican social policy mistakes
is necessary.
By 1964, President
Johnson had launched the Great Society
with the idea that government welfare
checks could solve poverty for single
mothers. Instead, illegitimacy boomed.
By 1968, the problem had become
so expensive that government could
no longer afford it.
Changes were made
to welfare in 1968. Whenever government
gave a dollar to a single mother,
it could collect it back from the
father, so long as he was not in
the home. What started as a war
on poverty became, in effect, a
perverse arrangement taking from
poor men to lift poor women out
of poverty. Illegitimacy exploded
in the aftermath, while marriage
rates declined precipitously.
In 1969, Governor
Ronald Reagan signed the first no-fault
divorce law into existence. Today,
no-fault means that no one cares
why divorces are filed, whether
or not they are responsible acts,
or who is drinking, gambling, or
cheating. We just turn the family
over to mothers, kick the husband
out, and charge him for everything..
Between 1964 and
1996, Republicans did not do anything
to discourage illegitimate childbearing
by women. They were quick to support
liberal federal programs (advocated
by the National Organization for
Women) designed to establish maximum
amounts of child support and to
collect it.
Illegitimacy rates
soared. Policies that destroyed
the marriage market began dissolving
middle-class marriages in the 1980’s.
Most importantly: three quarters
of relationships are emotionally
ended by the woman, and about three
quarters of divorces are filed by
In 1994, Republicans
took control of federal government,
promising welfare reform and better
lives for all Americans. They bought
David Blankenhorn’s dual communist
messages: “father-absence is the
greatest social problem we face”
and “Today, the principle cause
of fatherlessness is paternal choice.”
The result: Republicans
blamed husbands for America’s problems
of divorce and illegitimacy – when
in fact they did not either advocate
or cause it.
In 1996, welfare
was simply renamed “an advance on
child support” in federal accounting
records. The political problem of
“welfare” instantly became a giant
“deadbeat dad” problem. Unrecoverable
welfare collections magically became
unrecoverable child support, without
changing the associated deficit
In the past decade
of Republican control, social data
has not improved. Divorce and illegitimacy
are still rampant. In St. Louis,
illegitimacy has increased: 70%
of black children are now born out
of wedlock. Republican policy has
turned a welfare problem into a
social pandemic of historic proportion.
Recently, conservative
scholars finally discovered that
feminism has been the problem all
along. This is a good start,
but perhaps forty years too late.
still do not have good answers.
Most are still living in the problem,
bemoaning the state of marriage
or pontificating about it without
taking any effective policy action
to correct the problem.
The compound
effects of Griswold v. Connecticut
and Roe v. Wade
Griswold v.
Connecticut made contraception
an absolute right for women. Pharmaceutical
companies quickly responded by introducing
the pill and other invisible forms
of birth control. Overnight, young
women became “easy.” The feminist
sexual revolution contained the
agitprop and tools enabling women
to behave like men while deeply
reinforcing Victorian attitudes
holding women entirely innocent
for what they do. Women became sexually
aggressive and often as promiscuous
as men, and claimed victim status
for everything that came of it.
Invisible contraception
also made it easy for women to lie
about their purpose in having sex
with a man. In assuming the power
of God, over nature and culture,
to be invisibly barren or fertile
at will, the door was thrown open
for reproductive predation and fraud.
Advertising the
Dubay case as “the Roe v. Wade for
Men” is an antipodal representation
of the issues involved. This motto
was apparently selected on the basis
of the astonishing positive impact
it could have on marriage if it
is won. Dubay has nothing to do
with abortion of babies. It has
everything to do with abortion of
marriage, and reducing it.
Roe v. Wade
capitalized on the sexual and social
liberation of women. It not only
made killing unborn humans legal
-- it also established a secondary
tenet that children are chattel
of the mother. The principles set
forth in Roe also extend to womens’
childbearing and marital decisions,
which cannot be questioned because
it is a matter of “women’s rights.”
America under
secular feminism is a far cry from
biblical days of patriarchal connection
to civilization. Men were indeed
responsible for survival and protection
of women and children, marriage
was an extremely important institution
that guaranteed survival of the
human race in a relatively moral
society, and sex could not be easily
disconnected from the act of procreation.
Some men abused their roles as leaders
of church, culture and marriage;
but most did not.
Conservative pro-life
advocates have been falling for
left sucker punches ever since.
Pro-life Christians are terrified
that women will abort accidental
babies if welfare and child support
are not around. They allied with
the National Organization for Women
in calling for every sort of child
support maximization policy imaginable.
This position
is the antithesis of moral principle
in several ways. It multiplies the
number of women who want abortion
in the first place. More entitlements
stimulates a culture of easy sex
and more out-of-wedlock pregnancies
– which are often aborted after
women change their minds about becoming
single mothers a few weeks or months
of the Marriage Market
Feminists crafted
an evil mechanism that uses the
beliefs of conservatives against
their moral goals. Many conservatives
feel that women should raise children
and men should provide sustenance
to the family. Indeed, this is what
most men and women choose naturally
in the context of marriage.
When conservatives
blindly adopt the feminist mandate
for entitled single motherhood,
they abdicate their moral duty to
stand up for marriage and to unwind
whatever is destroying it.
If welfare or
child support was not an entitlement,
women would not be sleeping around
in record numbers while either “forgetting”
to use birth control or lying about
it, as we see in Dubay.
Since child support
orders also apply to divorce, women
started dumping husbands in record
numbers, as Betty Friedan told them
to do in the
Feminine Mystique.
With endless entitlements
available, women have been churning
out accidental babies in tremendous
numbers for forty years. In their
minds, the way out of poverty or
becoming “liberated” has something
to do with marrying the nearest
child support office.
This is not to
lay blame at the feet of women.
What they are doing is an entirely
legal, entitled activity. Judgment
goes against legislators and politicians
(of both sexes) who went into business
with feminists assuming the role
of men as protector and provider
of the family.
This Cabal has
made the world a lot worse by covetously
tempting women out of the safe haven
of marriage with large amounts of
money, false promises of liberation,
and bearing false witness against
millions of good men to do so. [2
Timothy 3:1-6].
Pro life advocates
did the right thing opposing funding
of abortion clinics, because abortion
clinics abort babies. They made
a gargantuan mistake supporting
expansive child support policies,
because as we now know, this funds
spiraling abortions of families.
Today we suffer from a continuing
plague of illegitimacy, father-absence,
and burgeoning amounts of uncollectable
child support amounts.
Entitled welfare
and child support is still the driver
of divorce and out-of-wedlock childbearing.
We must therefore change our thinking,
short-circuit the Beast, and call
for changes that move culture towards
a more moral society.
The Big Kahuna:
Explosive growth of expensive self-entitling
social problems predicted by husband-absence
has today culminated in Congress
being forced to increase the federal
debt ceiling to nine-trillion dollars.
Marriage is,
in fact, a market
The marriage market
behaves the same as any other market.
If unfettered, most men and women
trade needs and resources happily
within a valuable moral institution:
We have spent
more on welfare and undermining
the marriage market since 1964 than
the national debt. This does not
even include hundreds of billions
in child support transfers. Yet,
record numbers of women and children
still live in poverty.
Child support
is unquestionably the leading anti-family
entitlement undermining marriage.
It creates an invalid perception
that women can do as well absent
marriage. Women either have children
out of wedlock or divorce, but later
find the economics of the single-parent
family do not work and that it is
not possible for one person to “do
it all.”
A middle-class
family requires 1.4 incomes to be
a middle-class family. The broken
family cannot support two households
and a bevy of lawyers without coming
up short.
The pivotal cause-effect
debate that has been taking place
for forty years is now finally settled:
Entitlement of non-marital procreation
is unquestionably the driver of
poverty and the decline of marriage.
Entitled divorce and illegitimacy
has left more women and children
in poverty, and at risk for their
personal safety, than any other
event in American history.
Stopping at
the first moral error: casual sex
Most conservatives
rush to declare final judgment at
Matt Dubay’s first moral error:
he and his girlfriend had “casual
sex.” The conclusion: She should
be an entitled single mother and
he should shut up and pay child
By this standard,
conservatives ignore the fact that
abortion of marriage is a highly
immoral entitled activity that must
be vigorously opposed.
Is it not a sin
to intentionally bring a child into
the world absent marriage, and for
government to entitle this activity
to a rigid standard of support greater
than what we expect of married men?
Is it not a greater sin to trick
men into it by lying about use of
birth control?
Where conservatives
are dearly passionate about ending
abortion of babies (which women
are entitled to do after having
casual sex), conservatives must
be just as resolute about ending
abortion of marriage (which women
are also entitled to do after having
“casual sex” that isn’t so casual).
Stopping at
the second moral error: birth control
legitimately oppose birth control.
But this must not block moral vision
about what to do when women pretend
they are using birth control, or
when birth control fails and a pregnancy
ensues out of wedlock.
To use birth control
for casual sex is a sin. Is it not
a much greater sin to lie about
it for the purpose of having a child
out of wedlock, thus defrauding
a man of marriage, the fruit of
his loin and the work of his hands;
and denying the child the right
to have two married parents?
The greatest
moral issue: the feminist state
of Ba’al
Dubay presents
a rich opportunity to grasp the
moral wisdom of turning entitled
feminism against itself. The first
step towards accomplishing this
goal is to prioritize the moral
issues, placing the highest emphasis
on those that drive the decline
of morals and marriage.
Certainly, casual
sex, birth control, and illegitimacy
are moral sins of the children of
God. It is our duty to lead them
out of these sins, not to make the
sins more attractive by funding
them to the ends of the earth.
Is it not a vast
collective sin to pre-declare a
family divided and finance the kingdom
of Ba’al Zebûb, only to increase
his power, because individuals on
the edges of his kingdom fell into
The only way to
shrink the kingdom of Ba’al is to
stop funding it. This can and will
be accomplished by a denying child
support when divorce or non-marriage
is an immoral choice of the woman,
and by giving the husband the first
right to take custody or elect adoption
immediately upon birth, particularly
where the husband’s marriage offer
has been denied or where the mother
lied about birth control. These
are the only two moral options that
will take control of family, marriage,
and reproduction back from radical
Men can handle
single fatherhood without a perverse
covetous relationship developing
with the State. A young single man
with a child is still very attractive
marriage material. It is my experience
that most men do not want child
support from a former spouse, except
perhaps in situations of great economic
disparity. Historically, government
has been want to order or collect
it on behalf of men.
Moral consistency
requires that conservatives must
oppose child support entitlements
with the same diligence that they
oppose birth control. Both stimulate
casual sex, and both stimulate out-of-wedlock
A call to action
The Bible is a
call to action. Over the past decade,
thousands of books and articles
have been written bemoaning the
decline of marriage, or calling
for return to a marriage culture,
without calling for specific policy
changes that would take us there.
This only drives
our angst and settles nothing. Uttering
complaints and platitudes will avail
us nothing unless the pathway to
the answer is brightly demonstrated
in each and every article. We have
a moral duty to actively lead our
children out of Hell. This battle
cannot be won on ecclesiastical
terms alone. It must take place
on secular grounds, the same way
the struggle against abortion has
been fought.
The operative
goal is this: “We must now grant
to fathers the same right to be
in the family as we have granted
to women in the workplace.”
This target is
not a liberal vision for "gender
equivalency." It is a calling
to restore marriage by reforming
policies that have destroyed living
paternal participation in marriage,
family, procreation, and childrearing.
When this is accomplished, marriage
will naturally grow on formerly-barren
soil. Most women will choose to
be the primary parent, and most
men will choose to be the primary
Is this not the
end-state we all so deeply desire?
If so, conservatives have no alternative
but to substantially change their
thinking on Dubay.
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