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Kevin Thompson - Father Speaks out in Book of the Corruption and Bias in Family Court
These judges actions to band his book and free speak speak volumes about the arrogance and lack of respect for the law these judges have. This is a clear conflict of interest and these judges therefore have no jurisdiction. Any order they issue will be null and void and completely illegal for them to issue. As such they are "acting under color of law" and breaking their oath of office as judges. This is considered "treason against the United States".
Click here to see the "Order of Impoundment" lasting until 2021
Click here to see the "temporary" Restraining Order illegally issued by the judge

Welcome to the Massachusetts family courts where tyranny (defined as people ruling without obeying the law) is the order of the day.
Where judges ignore the law without any oversight or accountability.
Where judges do what it in the best interest of themselves and the lawyer to maximize legal fees.
Where the lawyers encourage custody battles, restraining orders and avoid mediation and negotiation.
Where judges kidnap children from their fathers unconstitutionally every day.
Where federal child support kickbacks from the federal government create a conflict of interest for every judge.
Where maximized billable hours for lawyers (at $200-$300 per hour) creates a cycle of scientifically proven harm to children.
This judge, as most family court judges do, has ignored the first, fifth, eleventh and fourteenth amendments, and no one in the Massachusetts judicial system has done anything because there is no accountability in the judicial system today. Any state law which takes away constitutionally granted rights is an illegal law - The U.S. Constitution, U.S. federal law and U.S. Supreme court law always trumps state laws!
The foxes are watching the hen house.
Justice must be forced by publicizing this abuse of power.

Story updates are in REVERSE chronological order:


Click here for transcript from Tucker Carlson Show March 29, 2006

Dear Ms. McElroy,
I want to thank you for your coverage of this story.  I have been an admirer of your writing for quite some time.  In fact, I included you on my acknowledgement page as someone whose words have inspired me.
I have only one dissenting comment.  You write that "it is so incendiary as to detract from its credibility."  I agree that it is incendiary.  In fact, I acknowledge that the crimes that I expose in the book are difficult to believe by someone who has not experienced the corruption first hand.  That is why actual court documents and transcripts are contained in the book to substantiate the outrageous claims that I present.  I write "outrageous" because the judicial misconduct and cover ups that I have witnessed ARE outrageous and therefore, hard to believe.
Such claims without the evidence would allow the court to simply dismiss my complaints as those of an angry dad who was not happy with his ruling.  That is why the court is so determined to keep this evidence concealed.  It is not the allegations that they fear.  The courts have heard it all before.  It is the concrete evidence that substantiates those claims. 
It is not illegal to believe that fathers are lesser parents than mothers for whatever subjective reason.  Certainly, everyone has a right to his or her opinion.  What is illegal and corrupt is a court system that manipulates the court process to guarantee such a gender-biased and profitable outcome.
If I have learned anything from my situation it is that, "where there is no publicity, there is no justice."  It is because of good people like you, who are willing to cover this topic, that give fathers (who are routinely denied basic human rights behind closed doors) hope.  I applaud you for your efforts!
Kevin Thompson







On March 22, 2006, Essex Probate and Family Court Justice Mary McCauley Manzi, made it clear that First Amendment rights do not apply in her courtroom when she banned Kevin Thompson's tell-all book titled "Exposing the Corruption in the Massachusetts Family Courts."


What makes this particular ruling so outrageous is that Manzi is prominently criticized in the book for her judicial misconduct in Thompson's case.  Therefore, a clear conflict of interest existed that should have excluded Manzi from having jurisdiction.


This issue has caused a stir among civil rights and fathers' rights groups in the state who have tired of the illegal treatment that they receive in family court where constitutional law is routinely ignored.  Dr. Ned Holstein, founder of the parental advocacy group Fathers and Families, argued, "Manzi should have recused herself from ruling on a book in which she's criticized.  I think the Family Court has lost all sight of the Constitution in this matter and in many others."


Aware of the media interest in the story, Judge Manzi refused to release her ruling by phone to Thompson, who received his notice by mail on Friday, March 24, 2006.  The order permanently restrains Mr. Thompson from disseminating any information related to his custody case and impounds the custody case itself until the year 2021.


Manzi's rationale for this action is that "impoundment is necessary to protect the best interests including the privacy interests of the parties' minor child."  She wrote further, "no harm will be caused to the community interest by impounding this file."


When reached for comment, Mr. Thompson asked, "what privacy interests of my son have been compromised and whose interests are being protected other than the personal interests of Judge Manzi, Judge Digangi, and the three judges in appeals court who don't want their crimes to be exposed?"  Mr. Thompson commented further,  "No community interest is harmed other than the community's right to scrutinize the judiciary, hold it accountable, and prevent from happening the concealed crimes committed against fathers and children every day in family court for profit."


When asked whether he would adhere to the order, Mr. Thompson commented, "I made it clear at the hearing that Judge Manzi did not have the jurisdiction to ban my book.  Any order issued from such a hearing would be illegal and therefore, null and void.  Since I respect the law, I have no intentions of adhering to an illegal order issued by a judge with her own agenda."


Thompson is scheduled for court on April 19, 2006, to respond to the Mother's request for attorney fees incurred to ban Thompson's book.  Judge Manzi has requested financial statements from both parents before she rules on this motion.  Thompson commented, "what could possibly be the relevance of financial statements in the determination of whether or not to extort the mother's attorney fees from me?  This is how the family courts bully fathers into silence - jail them for ignoring illegal orders or financially ruin them by making them pay for attorneys who they did not hire.  Everything that I am doing right now is for my son.  I will not be shut up."

Today by mail, I received notice that my book was officially banned.  I received an Order of Impoundment and a Temporary Restraining Order.  My custody case and a DSS report, which substantiate the crimes that I have experienced, was impounded until 2021. 


Manzi's rationale is that "impoundment is necessary to protect the best interests including the privacy interests of the parties' minor child. 


Comment:  What privacy interests of my son have been compromised and whose interests are being protected other than the self-serving interests of Judge Manzi, Judge Digangi, and the three judges in appeals court who don't want their crimes to be exposed?


Manzi's second argument is that "no harm will be caused to the community interest by impounding this file."


Comment:  No community interest is harmed other than the community's right to scrutinize the judiciary, hold it accountable, and prevent from happening the concealed crimes committed against fathers and children every day in family court for profit.


The other day, I shared the testimony that I was able to communicate in court. 


Below is the prepared testimony that I DID NOT get to communicate after Manzi sustained the Mother's objection.  It begins with the last paragraph that I WAS able to communicate. 


The fact is that most cases involving two fit parents should end immediately with one simple question, "Do either of you intend to prove that the other parent is unfit?"  If the answer to that question is "no" from both parents, then 50/50 joint physical custody should be ordered without exceptions.


Of course, if this were the rule in family court, billable litigation would be significantly reduced, the domestic violence industry would lose customers that it currently gets with the incentive for mothers to make up false allegations, the child support services department would need to be downsized, and the state would lose federal dollars that it currently receives every time the child support guidelines are applied.


Since every legitimate statistic and study confirms that it is in the best interests of children to have both parents significantly involved in their lives, it is clearly all about the money to be made off of fathers and absolutely nothing to do with the interests of the children.


If I can bring an end to the corruption in family court by exposing this hidden agenda and generating the outrage needed to force changes, then those efforts will ultimately benefit every male in this state... including my son.


Just as the benefits of 50/50 shared parenting far outweigh the trivial inconvenience of a child having two homes... exposing betrayals of public trust by government officials who have sworn to uphold the rights of its citizens far outweigh the minor inconvenience of exposing the Mother's crimes in the process.


My son and I are two real-life "flesh and blood" victims of the corruption described and substantiated in my book.  The picture of us on the back cover puts a face to that injustice.


Only in family court are fathers treated like criminals without a criminal's rights to due process, equal protection, and a jury of their peers.


Only in family court is the burden of proof, a burden placed on every other accuser in this country, waived for mothers who choose to manufacture vile claims of abuse as a court strategy. 


Only in family court are there no consequences for mothers who are found guilty of making false allegations and violating court orders.


Only in family court can judges ignore constitutional laws that forbid the creation of second-class citizens. 


Only in family court are the best interests of a child interpreted to mean removing loving fathers from the lives of their children and replacing them with visitation hours and cash payments.


Only in family court are the actual facts of the case irrelevant so that the court can believe everything alleged by the mother as fact and ignore everything expressed by the father.


Only in family court can you not find a single "employee" who supports shared parenting - an opinion supported by 85% of the population outside the walls of this court house.


And, most importantly, only in family court are mothers guaranteed sole custody by simply choosing to be hostile and uncooperative with the child's father.


Family courts repeat the same rhetoric over and over and then defy it behind closed doors.  As Hitler put it, "Society will tolerate almost any injustice so long as you tell them it is for the children."


In family court, "no fault" divorce means "man-fault" divorce.



The "best interests of the children" mean the "best interests of the mothers and racketeers" who profit off "man-fault" divorce.


And the court's assertion that the law looks to both parents as being equal is defied behind closed doors by judges with an agenda-driven interpretation of those same laws.


The bottom line is that my book is long overdue and should be required reading for every legislator, judge, and concerned citizen in the state.




ITEM 2: We’re having a book burning and you’re invited: Kevin Thompson’s book crtical of family court is banned.




  Don’t forget to bring the marshmallows!

You have been sent a BostonHerald.com Local / Regional News Article from reformfamilylaw@hotmail.com

Today the court banned the book until 2021.

Kevin Thompson can be reached at 978-691-1191.

Click here for the full article

Father’s book courts trouble

A judge who figures prominently in a Methuen father’s new book about losing custody of his child issued an order yesterday on whether sales of Kevin Thompson’s tell-all should be banned. But you won’t read all about it here because Essex Probate and Family Court Justice Mary McCauley...


KevinThompson and his son Patrick,4, at their home.(Staff photo by Stuart Cahill)


Click here to read about the other great marshmallow roast of history. (I don't agree with all this, but its a great read.)


I talked to Kevin tonight, and he is on lots of TV shows tomorrow.


NOTABLE QUOTE: Dr. Ned Holstein, founder of the parental advocacy group Fathers and Families, argued Manzi should have recused herself from ruling on a book in which she’s criticized.


LEGAL ANALYSIS BY THIS REPORTER:  OK.  A judge wants to ban a book in which she is a criticized.   Hmmm.  Is there a conflict of interest?  Think Rinaldo, think. Hmmmmm.  The judge wants to ban a book in which she is criticized.  Hmmmm.  Damn, I am at a loss.  I can’t think of any conflicts of interest, can you?  (Click here for definitions of conflict of interest.)


Let’s look at some definitions of conflict of interest:


“A situation occuring when an official's private interests may benefit from his or her public actions.”


ANALYSIS: That doesn’t apply.  Can’t see how the private interest of preventing embarrassment in a book critical of oneself may benefit from the public action of  banning the book as a judge.  Nope, not at all.


HOW ABOUT THIS DEFINITION: “A conflict between an individual’s personal interest and his or her public duty. This can exist whether or not money is involved, and whether the conflict is actual or only perceived.”



ANALYSIS:  Hmm.  Don’t really see how banning a book critical of oneself constitutes, “A conflict between an individual’s personal interest and his or her public duty.” Nope.


HOW ABOUT THIS DEFINITION: “A clash between the private interest and the official public responsibilities of a person in a position of trust or power.”


ANALYSIS: Clash, what clash?  So the judge banned a book in which she was criticized?  How is this a “A clash between the private interest and the official public responsibilities of a person in a position of trust or power”? Its good to be king!


DEFINITION: “a situation in which a public official's decisions are influenced by the official's personal interests”


ANALYSIS: Look folks.  You can’t stretch a theory too far.  So, Kevin called the judges and the system totally corrupt.  I don’t see how a few comments—well, a whole book—about how one could improve their performance—i.e., stop being a corrupt rogue that has more bias a Klansman—would influence a person’s opinion. Don’t see any influence here.  Theories have to be grounded in possibility and not be far fetched.


DEFINITION: “A conflict of interest is a situation in which someone in a position of trust, such as a lawyer, a politician, or an executive or director of a corporation, has competing professional and/or personal interests. Such competing interests can make it difficult to fulfill his or her duties fairly. Even if there is no evidence of improper actions, a conflict of interest can create an appearance of impropriety that can undermine confidence in the ability of that person to act properly.


ANALYSIS:  This definition would not apply. After all, nobody really trust a family court judge.


CONCLUSION:  Sorry Ned.  You may have gone to Harvard, but you don’t know what a conflict of interest is.  Trust me.  There is absolutely no conflict of interest when a judge bans a book containing scathing criticism of herself.


NED HOLSTEIN RANTS ON: “ “I think the Family Court has lost all sight of the Constitution in this matter and in many others,” Holstein said.”


ANALYSIS:  Sure Ned. Pull out the US constitution.  What are you going to do Mr. Ned Holstein?  Make a federal case out of this?


What’s that your saying Ned? WHAT ABOUT THE FIRST AMENDMENT?:  Boy you smucks really want to go right after the technicalities. Just remember this fundamental point of constitutional law—the first amendment is at its low point when prior restraints are being invoked to suppress political criticism of the government. Very low. Conversely, we afford maximum protection to obscenity.  Just trust me on this.  Oh, and when the government actor being criticized is banning the book, this is immunized under the sovereign immunity claim that the “king can do no wrong.”



Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.”


ANALSYSIS:  “Congress” Ned.  “Congress.”  An arrant judge totally making up law and making up powers she could not possibly have, and acting totally apart from the law, and making up the law is not “congress.”  Got that Ned?  It is a part of the inherent powers of courts to totally deprive you of your fundamental right to speech.  Didn’t you know that? No first amendment issues here.


WHAT ABOUT THE MASSACHUSETTS CONSTITUTION?: Article XVI. The liberty of the press is essential to the security of freedom in a state: it ought not, therefore, to be restrained in this commonwealth. The right of free speech shall not be abridged.


GOT TO LOOK CLOSE FOLKS:  The right to free speech shall not be abridged.  FREE speech. But Kevin Thompson had to pay a printer to publish his book—and that wasn’t free.  Now mind you, if the printer printed the book gratis, hey it would have been “free speech.” But this speech wasn’t free, it had to be paid for.  And it is only free  speech that cannot be abridge.  You have to get up pretty early in the morning to trick this judge!


FINAL ANALYSIS:  A judge banning a book in which she is criticized neither constitutes a “conflict of interest” nor implicates any constitutional right to free speech.




RINALDO’S NOTES: Hey, they only wanted to edit out the portion where Kevin actually try’s to prove the courts are corrupt. And they need to protect children!  Other statesmen have used this approach before in history, such as   . . . .


"The state must declare the child to be the most precious treasure of the people." Adolf Hitler

Click here for more fun ways we can use the image of protecting children to further sick and oppressive tyranny. (I don't agree with everything written, but it is a good read.)