Kennedy Story |
G'day Guys,
This is what I sent to the Committee.
I am still going to try and race up
yhe ETurnpkie to make it before it finishes.
If not, here is what I might have said.
They all have a copy now, as does David
Please make every effort to be there
and/or submit a testimony.
Andrew Ryan
Success Depends on Where Intention
Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, March 21, 2005
5:57 PM
Subject: Public Hearing on HB529
In Support of HB529 Dear Respected
Members of the Family Law Committee,
My name is Andrew Ryan.
I am a Father of and Dad to three
young boys - Cody (5), Dustin (4)
and Trevor (2). This is my
Testimony that I am writing to you,
just in case I am unable to make it
to the hearing on 22 March 05.
I was in attendance for the first
hearing and would have stayed all
night to speak up for my children.
I am from Australia and have been
here now for 5 years. I moved
here due to my fiance` and later wife
fell pregnant with my oldest son.
At the time I was still serving in
the Australian Army with 4 years left
till retirement. I was an Explosive
Ordnance Disposal and Improvised Explosive
Devices Disposal Operator. I
was among the highest trained and
paid Soldiers within the Military.
My fiancé` was to move to Australia
whilst I completed my 20 years and
we would decide what our options were
after that. When she found out
she was pregnant, she changed everything
and told me to move here or never
see my son. I did. I gave
up hundreds of thousands of Dollars
in the process. To me it was
a no brainer. During the next
few years we had 2 more children,
and she decided I was no longer required
and had me physically removed via
a restraining order after an argument.
I have lived in my van, on couches
and hotels. I have now purchased
property that I am struggling
to keep due to the current system.
I am also about to lose my home
in Australia in order to fight for
my children's rights to have me in
their lives.
The Bill
This HB529 goes a long way to re-establish
in writing, to make it plain to those
who choose to manipulate the law,
that both parents deserve to have
a fair and equal chance at being in
their children's lives. If we
are truly about equality, then there
should be no opposition to this bill!
I heard testimony last week from a
lawyer stating that 70% of his practice
was divorce related. He was
in opposition to this bill because
he didn't like the wording of the
"presumption". Why??
His response was not clear and very
hard to comprehend. If he was
honest he would have stated he is
in opposition as it will reduce his
income considerably. Another
mother of six testified that she is
in fear of what might happen if she
were to divorce her husband.
She said he is a great Father, and
that if she ever did divorce
him that she would ensure that
he was able to spend quality time
with their children. Her statement
alone proves that women understand
they have real power in divorce and
they are scared to lose that control.
I see everyday on the news
of a parent male or female, killing
their children and sometimes killing
themselves. These tragedies
could well be avoided with a system
that isn't so adversarial. This
Bill, HB 529, would go a long way
to reducing the adversarial nature
of divorce, and in fact, would reduce
divorce and save lives. Why
would anyone oppose that? Studies
show, and it seems everyone agrees,
that Fathers are essential in the
better development of children.
They say that the constitution
provides equal treatment under the
law. If that is the case, why
are 90% or more of custody issues
being ruled in favor of the Mothers?
This bill, HB529, which will see Judges
or Marital Masters, give written reasons
for how and why they made the decision
they made, will ensure all issues
in each case have been addressed.
The parental plans make each parent
have a good hard look at what they
can and can't do in practice, and
adjust according to the children's
needs. If by doing that a divorce
trial becomes negated, aren't
the parents better able
to get along, save thousands in legal
fees, and lessen the impact on their
children? Why then is there
opposition to this bill?
I am a hard working man and I have
given of myself to help others all
my life. I am now dedicated
to my 3 wonderful sons whom I owe
to fight for their rights, THEIR RIGHTS
to have me as a steadying influence
in their lives. I also fight
for their rights to one day not be
put in the emotionally and financially
devastating position I have found
myself in. I have found a strength
in myself that I didn't know I had,
to so far cope with the horrible injustices
I have faced in the past few years,
and it is not over yet. I love my
children and they love me. Please
give us a chance to be in each others
lives - no-one will lose by supporting
this bill, but everyone loses if we
don't. This is why I take the
position I do. Please Pass this
Bill. I have attached some
statistics to show what Fatherless
homes can do to aid in destroying
our society. Society must NOT
allow this trend to continue.
Thank you, Andrew Ryan 15 Merrimack
St Nashua, NH 03064 (603) 817-3963
It’s a Fact
Here’s why:
· 63% of youth suicides
are from fatherless homes. (Source:
U.S. D.H.H.S., Bureau
of the Census).
· 90% of all homeless
and runaway children are from fatherless
· 85% of all children
that exhibit behavioral disorders
come from fatherless homes.
(Source: Center for Disease Control).
· 80% of rapist motivated by displaced
anger come
from fatherless homes. (Source:
Criminal Justice and Behavior, Vol.
14, pp. 403-26).
· 71% of all high school dropouts
come from fatherless homes. (Source:
National Principals Assoc. Report
on the State of High Schools).
· 85% of all youths sitting in prisons
grew up in a fatherless home. (Source:
Fulton County Georgia jail populations,
Texas Dept. Of
Corrections, 1992).
These statistics translate to mean
that children from fatherless homes
· 5 times more likely to commit suicide
· 32 times more likely to run away
· 20 times more likely to have behavioral
· 14 times more likely to commit rape
· 9 times more likely to drop out
of high school
· 20 times more likely to end up in
“There is a fundamental liberty right
guaranteed to both parents by the
14th Amendment. This is the right
to the care, custody, and nurture
of their children. According
to the Supreme Court of the
States: “Absent a Compelling
State Interest of harm or potential
harm to the child, the State may not
intervene in the privacy of family
Overall, research studies
show that children of joint custodians
are better adjusted than children
of sole custodians on each of the
following measures: general adjustment;
family relations; self-esteem; emotional
adjustment; behavioral
adjustment; and divorce-specific
Another benefit of Joint Physical
Custody is that it improves child
support compliance. Researchers have
found a positive correlation between
the frequency of a parent’s contact
with a child and the payment of child
support. That is to say,
the more frequent,
regular and flexible the time
a parent is permitted to spend with
his child, the more likely he is to
meet his child support obligation
in full and on time. In terms of voluntary
compliance, fathers who have little
or no contact with their children
after a divorce pay only about 34%
of their child support, while fathers
with regular contact pay 85% or more
of theirs.