to wear:
If you have an F4J t-shirts
please wear it, F4J t-shirts can be
ordered at
A limited number of t-shirts will
be available at the demonstration.
If you don't have access to an F4J
shirt then wear purple clothing or
as close to purple as possible (dark
to bring:
Please paste a picture(s) of
your child(ren) on a foam board (available
at office supple stores) that you
can wear around your neck. Also
bring an additional sheet of photos
of your child(ren) as well, if possible.
If you are willing to bring
purple candies/lollipops, whistles,
printouts of the literature to distribute,
or are interested in helping out some
other way please contact us at 800-547-3148
can you help?
We need volunteers to wear
white decontamination suits in Boston.
If you are willing, please let
us know us at 800-547-3148
At all times we will have some
people on the periphery actively engaged
in distributing literature and talking
with interested people. If you
are well spoken and interested in
helping with this role, please contact
us at 800-547-3148
Volunteers are needed to follow-up
with other interested individuals
who will need direction or further
instructions. Let us know if
you are willing to serve as a contact
point for others at 800-547-3148
route and Plan:
We will gather at the Faneuil Hall
Rotunda and march on a predetermined
route past locations of interest,
stopping periodically to 'disinfect'
a courthouse or otherwise let our
message be heard...
We will gather at the State Capitol
Grounds and stand in a long row, shoulder
to shoulder with in solidarity for
equal parenting rights.
An assortment of speakers will address
the gathering. There will also
be a cameraman giving many attendees
the opportunity, should they desire,
to share their views on tape.