"No legislative
act, therefore, contrary to the Constitution,
can be valid."
" The Executive not only dispenses
the honors, but holds the sword of
the community. The legislature not
only commands the purse, but prescribes
the rules by which the duties and
rights of every citizen are to be
regulated. The judiciary, on the contrary,
has no influence over either the sword
or the purse; no direction either
of the strength or of the wealth of
the society; and can take no active
resolution whatever. "
***Receiving Federal Funds as a result
of their decision seems to violate
"There is no position which depends
on clearer principles, than that every
act of a delegated authority, contrary
to the tenor of the commission under
which it is exercised, is void. No
legislative act, therefore, contrary
to the Constitution, can be valid.
To deny this, would be to affirm,
that the deputy is greater than his
principal; that the servant is above
his master; that the representatives
of the people are superior to the
people themselves; that men acting
by virtue of powers, may do not only
what their powers do not authorize,
but what they forbid."
***Courts must not only place the
Constitution higher than the laws
passed by the legislature, they must
also place the intentions of the people
ahead of the intentions of their representatives.
Meaning that the recent referendum
on joint child custody has significant
weight in court even if the legislature
does not act!***
"This independence of the judges
is equally requisite to guard the
Constitution and the rights of individuals
from the effects of those ill humors,
which the arts of designing men, or
the influence of particular conjunctures,
sometimes disseminate among the people
themselves, and which, though they
speedily give place to better information,
and more deliberate reflection, have
a tendency, in the meantime, to occasion
dangerous innovations in the government,
and serious oppressions of the minor
party in the community. "
***Judicial Independence is tied to
the rights of individuals and a guard
against "dangerous innovations",
i.e., no-fault divorce and judicial
discretion for child "title to
the custody" decisions.***
" To avoid an arbitrary discretion
in the courts, it is indispensable
that they should be bound down by
strict rules and precedents, which
serve to define and point out their
duty in every particular case that
comes before them; "
**Violated in that all precidence
prior to 1970 was invalidated by the
currently adopted custody laws.***