
Special Edition e-Newsletter

Sunday, June 10, 2006

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Let us introduce you to R.A.D.A.R. -
Respecting Accuracy in Domestic Abuse Reporting

R.A.D.A.R. – Respecting Accuracy in Domestic Abuse Reporting – is a network of concerned men and women working to assure that the problem of domestic violence is treated in a balanced and effective manner.

Domestic violence is a problem that affects both men and women. But our nation's laws are based on a false assumption – that only women are victims of abuse. As a result, male victims are often refused service, and men's civil rights are violated.

VAWA Resolution
Regarding the Violence Against Women Act
  1. Whereas, in 2000 Senator Orrin Hatch directed the executive branch to "ensure that men who have been victimized by domestic violence and sexual assault will receive benefits and services under the Act"1
  2. Whereas, despite that statement of Congressional intent, male victims continue to be turned away from VAWA-funded shelters.2
  3. Whereas, the language of the 2005 Violence Against Women Act now recognizes that male victims of domestic violence are in need of treatment and protection, and requires VAWA-funded programs to provide them with such services.3
  4. Whereas, VAWA funds judicial education programs that instruct judges to disregard constitutionally-protected due process provisions,4
  5. Whereas, judges often issue restraining orders without any direct threat of harm,5,6 and restraining orders are widely used as "part of the gamesmanship of divorce." 7,8
  6. Whereas, the Massachusetts Trial Court found that less than half of all restraining orders issued in that state involved even an allegation of physical violence,9
  7. Whereas, it has been estimated that each year one million protective orders are issued in the United States, and about 500,000 of such orders represent a direct violation of due process protections,10,11
  8. Whereas, 15% of such protective orders are issued against women and 85% against men.12
  9. Whereas, research shows that most instances of partner aggression are minor in nature,13 and such cases require counseling, not legal intervention,
  10. Whereas, VAWA-funded programs and policies often discourage couple counseling and partner reconciliation, and
  11. Whereas, various VAWA incentives serve to promote family break-up,14 which results in children losing daily contact with one of their parents.15
Therefore, the undersigned organizations request that:
  1. The VAWA appropriation bill for FY2007 include report language directing the DoJ Violence Against Women Office to provide Congress, no later than December 30, 2007, with client utilization statistics of VAWA-funded programs and services, in compliance with the male-inclusive requirements of Section 40002(b)(8) of the 2005 Violence Against Women Act.
  2. The Senate and House Appropriations Committees support and approve President Bush's budget request to fund the Violence Against Women Act at the $347 million level in FY2007.
  3. The United States Congress establish a panel to investigate the claims that the Violence Against Women Act promotes the excessive issuance of restraining orders, which often leads to family break-up and inappropriate loss of parent involvement.

Join the Battle With ...


Michael J. Geanoulis
R.A.D.A.R.: Respecting Accuracy in Domestic Abuse Reporting
Michael McCormick
American Coalition for Fathers and Children
Phyllis Schlafly
Eagle Forum
Terri Lynn Tersak
David R. Usher
ACFC - Missouri Coalition
Alan Rusmisel
Alabama Coalition of Fathers and Children
Tom Smith
American Union for Men
Eileen Cipnick
Susan N. Wolpin
Bucks County Fathers' and Children's Equality
James Hays
Coalition of Fathers and Families NY, Inc.
Paul Clements
Dads Against Divorce Discrimination-NH
James Semerad
Dads and Moms of Michigan
Michael Burns
Dialogue on Sustainable Community
Charles E. Corry
Equal Justice Foundation
Jamil Jabr
Dan Hogan
Fathers and Families
Mike East
FATHERS: Fathers Asking to Have Equal Rights
Roy Getting
Fathers for Equal Rights
D'Arcy L. McGreer
Fathers for Virginia
Richar' Farr
Knights Radio
Marc Angelucci
National Coalition of Free Men, Los Angeles Chapter
Gary Gagnon
National Congress of Fathers and Children - New Hampshire
Harry Crouch
Men's Advocacy Network
Jeffrey W. Dick
Marc Snider
Pastor Kenneth Deemer
Shattered Men
Philip Cook
Stop Abuse for Everyone
Lee Newman
Stop Abuse for Everyone, NH Chapter
Lisa Scott
TABS: Taking Action Against Bias in the System
Your Name Here!
Gregory Romeo
Tulsa Area Fathers Rights Association


The important question to ask the designers and supporters of VAWA is; What are the scientific, ethical, and moral bases for excluding half the population of abuse victims from support and services?


What can you do to support R.A.D.A.R.?

=> Become a Co-Signer of the VAWA Resolution!

Stand up and be counted! Write to R.A.D.A.R. at info@mediaRADAR.org and become a card-carrying member of the VAWA Campaign. You will be among some of our nation's legal and legislative reform leaders.


=> Sign-up for the R.A.D.A.R. E-Alerts List!

Join in with others in the know. Use the form in the R.A.D.A.R. Alert box in the top right corner of this Special Edition e-Newsletter or go to www.mediaRADAR.org.


=> Be Ready for the Truth and Consequences campaign!

On June 19 these organizations will announce a national campaign to educate candidates during the upcoming 2006 elections about the massive civil rights violations caused by VAWA. The theme of the campaign is "Truth and Consequences: 2006 Elections." The theme highlights the fact that VAWA interest groups frequently fail to tell the truth about the nature of domestic violence, and the consequences these distortions have for families and children.

=> The VAWA Election Campaign:
  •  About the Campaign
  •  Resolution on VAWA
  •  Listing of Contact Persons
  •  Find your Representative: Go to www.house.gov and enter your zip code into the box
  •  Five Steps YOU Can Take to Help Stop the Abuses:
    1.  Set up the meeting
    2.  Prepare for the meeting
    3.  Hold the meeting
    4.  Follow-up
    5.  Report your meeting results to R.A.D.A.R.
  •  Questions? Ask R.A.D.A.R.'s Political Advisor


=> Call!

Call your Senators and Representative today. For contact information for your Members of Congress, visit www.senate.gov or www.house.gov, or call the Capitol Switchboard at (202) 224-3121.
Tell them:

  •  Your name and the city and state you live in.
  •  Tell them how these programs hurt the victims by turning them away when the need help the most or how they refuse to serve victims in your communities because they say the law requires them to.
=> Send Letters!
  1. Send a personal letter to your Senators and Representative. Include information about your community and the programs that deny abuse victims service. Describe your successes in helping those abandoned by a multi-billion dollar funding source and the unmet needs male victims and their child face everyday.

  2. Fax this letter to your Representative and Senators. For contact information for your Members of Congress, visit www.senate.gov or www.house.gov, or call the Capitol Switchboard at (202) 224-3121.

It is crucial that Senators and Representatives hear from their constituents about why these programs are bias and discriminatory and how they can correct them through simple processes.

Please read the R.A.D.A.R. Special Report VAWA Programs Discriminate Against Male Victims for more information about how VAWA is funding discrimination against male victims of abuse and their children. The documents linked in the R.A.D.A.R. Special Reports detail the widespread abuses of the civil rights of half of all abuse victims.

For more information, contact:

Dave Usher, R.A.D.A.R. Contact, at info@mediaRADAR.org.

=> Networking in Action <=


Contra Costa Times' Claim is Wildly Different Than CDC Research Results
Prior R.A.D.A.R. Alerts

For timely notification of R.A.D.A.R. alerts, enter your email address:


=> Reports
R.A.D.A.R. Special Reports
VAWA: Threat to Families, Children, Men, and Women

Without Restraint: The Use and Abuse of Domestic Restraining Orders

VAWA Programs Discriminate Against Male Victims

Justice Denied: Arrest Policies for Domestic Violence

Bias in the Judiciary: The Case of Domestic Violence

Lisa Scott
What To Do Before the Restraining Order Comes

=> RADAR Takes Action:

=> Research
Murray A. Straus, PhD.
Violence by Women Against Male Partners

Dominance And Symmetry In Partner Violence By Male And Female University Students In 32 Nations

Prevalence of violence against dating partners by male and female university students worldwide

International Dating Violence Study

Richard J. Gelles, PhD.
The Hidden Side of Domestic Violence: Male Victims

Domestic Violence Factoids

Center for Disease Control
Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, May 19, 2006

Martin S. Fiebert
References Examining Assaults By Women On Their Spouses Or Male Partners

True Equality Network
Analysis of Abuses by the States of the Child Support Performance and Incentive Act (CSPIA)

=> Articles and Editorials
Phyllis Schlafly
Time To Address Domestic Violence Abuses

Time to Dispose of Radical Feminist Pork

Does Feminism Control The Bush Administration?

Repeal The Bradley Amendment

David R. Usher
A Vision for Fathers Day, 2025

Why VAWA Hurts Families

Divorce And Child Support Are Eviscerating Military Recruitment

U.S. Senate Reauthorizes Organized Robbery and Child Abuse

Gordon E. Finley
Fatal Flaws: VAWA 2005

Female Sexual Predators: The Veiled Epidemic

Carey Roberts
Legal Services Corporation Turns Its Back on Men

Restraining order madness

Child support gold-diggers

Double-standard treatment for child abusers

David Fontes
Men Don't Tell

Susan Sarnoff
The Institutionalization of Misinformation: VAWA

Cathy Young
Ending Bias in Domestic Assault Law

True Equality Network
VAWA: A four-letter word that means tyranny

=> Child Abuse
Department of Health and Human Services
Child Maltreatment 2004

=> References
1 Congressional Record, October 11, 2000, pp. S10191-92.
2 R.A.D.A.R. VAWA Programs discriminate against male victims. Rockville, MD: Respecting Accuracy in Domestic Abuse Reporting, 2006. www.mediaRADAR.org
3 Violence Against Women Act, Section 40002(b)(8).
4 Bleemer R: N.J. judges told to ignore rights in abuse TROs. New Jersey Law Journal April 24, 1995.
5 David Heleniak. The new Star Chamber: The New Jersey family court and the prevention of Domestic Violence Act. Rutgers Law Review, Spring 2005.
6 Wendy McElroy. Abuse of temporary restraining orders endangers real victims. FoxNews.com, December 27, 2005.
7 Thomas Kasper. Obtaining and defending against an order of protection. Illinois Bar Journal June 2005.
8 Thomas Kiernan. Re: False Claims. New Jersey Law Journal , April 21, 1988 Vol. 121 p. 6.
9 Office of the Commissioner of Probation, Massachusetts Trial Court: The tragedies of domestic violence: A qualitative analysis of civil restraining orders. October 12, 1995.
10 Dorothy Carl Quinn. Ex parte protection orders: Is due process locked out? Temple Law Quarterly Vol. 58, Winter 1985.
11 R.A.D.A.R. VAWA: Threat to families, children, men, and women. Rockville, MD: Respecting Accuracy in Domestic Abuse Reporting, 2006. www.mediaRADAR.org .
12 Cathy Young. Domestic violence: An in-depth analysis. Washington, DC: Independent Women's Forum, 2005.
13 Linda Kelly. Disabusing the definition of domestic abuse. Florida State University Law Review Vol. 30, 2003.
14 Phyllis Schlafly. Federal incentives make children fatherless, Human Events Online, May 11, 2005.
15 Stephen Baskerville. Violence against families: Fathers fall victim to domestic-abuse laws. American Conservative, August 29, 2005, pp. 23-25.


Media Inquiries:

Contact True Equality Network at: